2021-01-13 - [CNTT - RI2] - Meeting Agenda and Minutes
No need to add - will be done after the call.
Agenda and Minutes:
Antitrust notices
Walk-in Items
WSL/co-leads: @Tom Kivlinto step down at next nomination period (February 2021 would be 12 months after RI2 formally started)
Nomination / selection process for new WSL will follow documented governance process: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/gov/chapters/chapter04.md
Project board review: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/projects/27
Plan to align RI2 content more to RC2 to ensure RI2 is being validated against RA2 specification
Update README to reflect RI2/RA2 release information
Georg: CNOVP team had reached out to collaborate with RI2/Kuberef to test new OVP workflow
k8s version requirements - https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/issues/2132
RI will be released separately - Release process was discussed during Anuket TSC 12-02-2021 call
Jira review - https://jira.opnfv.org/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?rapidView=240&projectKey=KUB&selectedIssue=KUB-10
Installation (BMRA) fails on Centos 8 targets - https://jira.opnfv.org/projects/KUB/issues/KUB-37?filter=allissues (@Michael Pedersen has a workaround)
Rihab will look into BMRA deployment on Ubuntu
Gerrit review - https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/q/project:kuberef+
Ideas for kuberef short-term plan:
Integrate BMRA (v2.0) in the Kuberef framework
Expected done end of 2020
Configure CI to run most recent RC2 test suite
Decide what should be run when
Estimate TBD
Start enabling and testing additional cluster/k8s features
Enabling started as part of BMRA integration
Expected done in Jan 2021
Add example CNFs/PODs/Workloads
Is this something we want to include in Kuberef or keep separate?
Might be (partially) covered by deployments/installs done through RC2
Simple examples could be used to verify K8s features (maybe even through CI)
Estimate TBD