This is a developer-focused event that takes place prior to the Open Networking Summit kick-off. There will be a mix of presentation sessions (you can add your session proposals at LFN Developer Forum Session Proposals) plus opportunities for breakout meetings/hacking (aka unconference) in several rooms.
Date: March 26-27, 2018
Location: Intercontinental Los Angeles Downtown
Possible Tracks
Container networking:
Using container technologies for building applications, deployment, testing, etc.
Cloud native development
Working in heterogeneous environment with containers and VMs
Acceleration in packet processing
Cross-community CI/Lab infrastructure:
Cross community effort to shorten development & feedback cycles
Tooling for streamlined XCI
Lab infrastructure/resource available for LFN projects
Integrated testing:
Opportunities for streamlining/removing duplicate testing efforts across LFN projects
Analyzing test results
Long-duration/stress testing and other frontiers
Security testing
Performance Improvements & Benchmarking results
Standards & Open Source:
How open source projects can work more effectively with standards organizations (e.g. ETSI, MEF, IETF, etc.) to address new industry challenges
Complementing each parties' (i.e. open source projects' & SDO's) strengths
Feedback mechanism between open source projects & SDO's