Please add your name in here:
- Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
Agenda and Minutes:
- Recording Policies:
- Recording:
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Walk-in Items.
- Technical Steering Topics
- TSC Project Board:
- vF2F Recap:
- Baraque Release Plan: Rabi Abdel
- Open Stack Discussion. Pankaj.Goyal
- Validation vs Conformance, vs Performance
- Discussion will continue in Compliance and Verification Committee
- Please attend if you can to support it.
- RM & Networking Focus Group: Walter.kozlowski
- Edge: Ahmed El Sawaf
- RI1/RC1: Qiao Fu Cédric Ollivier
- RI2/RC2: Georg Kunz bill.mulligan
- Review Current AI.
- Updates from Officers Items:
- Chief Technical Editor:
- ONAP Technical Coordinator:
- OPNFV Technical Coordinator:
- CNCF Technical Coordinator:
- CVC Technical Coordinator:
- Automation and Tooling:
- ONF: Open Networking Foundation.
Current Action Items:
Task report
Looking good, no incomplete tasks.