Cloud Native Workload badging (aka CNF Testing):
We are not at a point to say we are able to provide test loads. Back and forth discussion on the nature of the RC and how it's documented and implemented.
Planning discussion for June DTF
CNCF is announcing the launch of their cloud native performance program
Moselle release is due June 16 (confirmed)
Moving the CVC meeting 1 hour earlier 9am EDT
Everyone agreed to move the meeting to an earlier times lot
New meeting time will start June 6th
ONAP Compliance to VNF Workloads
We will no longer be able to provide compliance testing for heat based VNFs
We will lose badging for heat based VNF workloads
Broken link on Anuket Verification
Sandra Jackson (Deactivated) created a ticket to fix link. Not fixed yet.
Migrate to the how to guide
Still in progress
Any other business