- Lead marketing, branding, and communications around the meld
- Branding - merger of equals/non-acronym name Naming/Branding
- New Project Name
- Work with Creative Services to create brand brief and design new branding logo and logo
- Create revised branding guidelines document
- Pitch Deck
- Brandon Wick to provide detail sub task list
- branding elements
- Branding Guidelines Document
- Website updates
- Acquire new domain/github
- Revised Revise .org webpage Revised content on LFN.org accordingly
- Build new website
- Positioning & Messaging
- Pitch Deck
- Announcement Blurb for ONES
- Mission Statement + Messaging Doc (elevator pitch)
- Messaging Doc value prop document
- Positioning statement for press
- Talking Points fo community: Building momentum, member quotes, etc.
- (Charter Version)
- Messaging Doc (Full Mission Statement, Elevator Pitch, Brand Pillars, Supporting Points, Brand Promise)
- Communications Plan – Public Launch
- Initial Basic Statement at ONES
- Press release
- Member Quotes
- Social Plan
- Blogs/webinars
- Mini-conference?
- Press/Analyst outreach and briefings
- Early 2021 public launch target?Public Launch
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