Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
28 September Agenda is:
Review Open ARs:
- AR- Igor was going to do some more research on the issue tracking options and provide insights to help move towards a vote to choose which option we will use- Done
- Review today
New Agenda Items:
Debrief on TAC Induction-
- Issue with Technical Charter - TSC Composition
- Address TSC Growth criteria
- Address PTL - Suggested at least Base and UI to start with
- We were asked to articulate positioning- Call for use cases and derive clearer message on Edge positioning
Review Draft Board slide (Louis)
Should we skip TSC meeting Oct 12 due to ONE Summit?
GitLab Open Source Program:
Open Discussion & Next Steps
Future Agenda Items:
Resource needs from LF
Launch Discussions...
EMCO position in 5G Super BluePrint? (Already being used via OpenNESS components, which in fact is in EMCO already)
More Use Cases listed- Positioning of EMCO
Seed code scan feedback:
There are six files in emco-base with Intel "confidential / proprietary" notices that should be remediated. These are:
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/Chart.yaml
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/templates/configmap.yaml
- /src/clm/api/controllerhandler_test.go
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/templates/deployment.yaml
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/requirements.yaml
- /deployments/helm/emcoBase/hpa-ac/templates/service.yaml
If Intel had contributed these, you'll want to ask someone from Intel to remove the notices and replace them with Apache-2.0 notices. Or if someone not from Intel had contributed these, then the files themselves should likely be removed from the repo.