Meeting Minutes
OVP Hacking Track for VNF Vendors at next LFN DDF/Plugfest
- Presentation from Amar Kapadia
- Amar Kapadia and Pierre Lynch [Keysight] will lead this effort
- Next steps:
- Create a "home page" on the Wiki to organize / track this effort
- Develop outreach list and messaging for potential VNF participants
- Organize test lab resources
- Document additional tests for "bonus tests" beyond the OVP compliance and life-cycle tests
- Next check in for CVC: September 9 meeting.
- Heather will provide an update from the Marketing Group on this topic.
TOSCA VNF Validation Updates
HEAT VNF Validation Updates
- TBDPutting finishing touches on things, i.e. working with integration teams to align commits, etc.
- Team does have a sample set of results to review with the Dovetail portal team. Going to put this onto the Dovetail meeting for Wednesday, 9am Eastern USA time.
ONS Europe 2019 & CNTT Face-to-Face Planning
- Proposed Unconference Sessions (Unconf Schedule, Sept '19):
- OPNFV Verification Program (OVP) Meeting
- Focused on OVP outreach / education?
- Test frameworks and tools for CNTT
- CNTT reference implementation and verification in OPNFV
- LFN MAC Meeting
- CNTT Face-to-Face (Thursday / Friday):
- Critical Topics:
- Role of CVC compared to CNTT, with respect to compliance programs
- Tool sets required for testing
- Test plan documentation, structure, format, and where is this kept
- Test results format and requirements
- Lincoln Lavoie to create a Wiki page to track input and topics for the CNTT Day 2 session on Testing and Certification.
OVP 2019 Release Planning
- Discussion:
- Keeping NFVI and VNF (and future) badges / programs to a single release schedule.
- Keeps badges align (i.e. 1 version for multiple programs, e.g. 2019.04)
- Aiming for release by end of 2019 calendar year (includes)
- VNF:
- Update to VNF Compliance testing, based on ONAP El Alto release
- First release of VNF Validation (live-cycle), based on ONAP El Alto release
Any other business
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