2019-08-26 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Heather Kirksey
@Amar Kapadia
@Andrei Kojukhov
Brian Whittle
@Mark Shostak
@Pierre Lynch [Keysight]
@steven stark
@Trevor Cooper
@Trevor Lovett
@Jim Baker
@Steven Wright
Outstanding Action Items
Meeting Minutes
OVP Hacking Track for VNF Vendors at next LFN DDF/Plugfest
Presentation from @Amar Kapadia
@Amar Kapadia and @Pierre Lynch [Keysight] will lead this effort
Next steps:
Create a "home page" on the Wiki to organize / track this effort
Develop outreach list and messaging for potential VNF participants
Organize test lab resources
Document additional tests for "bonus tests" beyond the OVP compliance and life-cycle tests
Next check in for CVC: September 9 meeting.
Heather will provide an update from the Marketing Group on this topic.
TOSCA VNF Validation Updates
HEAT VNF Validation Updates
Putting finishing touches on things, i.e. working with integration teams to align commits, etc.
Team does have a sample set of results to review with the Dovetail portal team. Going to put this onto the Dovetail meeting for Wednesday, 9am Eastern USA time.
ONS Europe 2019 & CNTT Face-to-Face Planning
Proposed Unconference Sessions (Unconf Schedule, Sept '19):
OPNFV Verification Program (OVP) Meeting
Focused on OVP outreach / education?
Test frameworks and tools for CNTT
CNTT reference implementation and verification in OPNFV
LFN MAC Meeting
CNTT Face-to-Face (Thursday / Friday):
Critical Topics:
Role of CVC compared to CNTT, with respect to compliance programs
Tool sets required for testing
Test plan documentation, structure, format, and where is this kept
Test results format and requirements
@Lincoln Lavoie to create a Wiki page to track input and topics for the CNTT Day 2 session on Testing and Certification.
OVP 2019 Release Planning
Keeping NFVI and VNF (and future) badges / programs to a single release schedule.
Keeps badges align (i.e. 1 version for multiple programs, e.g. 2019.04)
Aiming for release by end of 2019 calendar year (includes)
Update to VNF Compliance testing, based on ONAP El Alto release
First release of VNF Validation (live-cycle), based on ONAP El Alto release
Any other business