2019-12-2 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@Tapio Tallgren
@Susan Mangini
@Bryan Whittle
@Trevor Lovett
@Jim Baker
Outstanding Action Items
OVP Submissions
ZTE Lab Submission: ZTE_Linux_Foundation_Networking_Qualified_Lab_Application_v1.docx
Sample Test Results: 9cd34c64-eff9-11e9-904e-0242ac110002
Reviewed by (and received +1): @Georg Kunzand @Mika Rautakumpu
ZTE will present their application at an upcoming meeting.
OVP2019.12 Release
NFVI patches for their updates to Dovetail testing
Documentation updates:
Lincoln will create a branch for Dovetail to work on this.
Trevor will help write the documentation for the HEAT requirements.
TOSCA results conversion
Python script has been created to convert the VTP output into the Dovetail portal format
Users guide will be updated on the ONAP wiki for the TOSCA testing to include the usage of that file.
Results Submission REST API
Interest in adding REST API feature to OVP portal to automate submission of results to the portal.
API will need to support both NFVI and VNF testing, as well as support extensions to future testing as well.
How to secure the API
Protect against SPAM results
What can be "read back" from the API, i.e. reading anther users results, etc.
Protect against submitting results on "behalf" of another user.
Any other business
CNTT Lab Requirements
Should OVP Lab Requirements be updated to include CNTT requirements? In general yes, but this will depend on the CNTT certification testing requirements, which are not yet fully defined.
Next week's meeting will be canceled, next meeting is December 16.