2019-09-16 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@Heather Kirksey
Bryan Whittle
@Shiby Parayil
@steven stark
@Susan Mangini
@Trevor Lovett
@victor gao
@Ryan Hallahan
@Steven Wright
Outstanding Action Items
Hacking Track Status
Moving forward. There are slides / updates for the upcoming board meeting.
Opportunity for a Webinar on this topic to help drive interest / participation into the session.
TOSCA VNF Validation Status
Have almost completed all the development work, just bug fixes remaining.
@victor gao confirmed the SDC enhancements are not required for the badge testing (El Alto will be able to fully support the badge).
Looks of discussions about "ETSI Compliance" during OSN Days, and it would be good to understand how this work will impact the existing projects (VNFRQTS, VNFSDK, VVP, etc.)
@Heather Kirksey to find more information.
TOSCA test cast is still missing from VNFRQTS, this was assigned here: https://jira.onap.org/browse/VNFSDK-452, https://jira.onap.org/browse/VNFSDK-451
@Rabi Abdel will follow up with the assignee.
HEAT VNF Validation Status
All code review is completed and merged.
Working on last minute testing and documentation.
@Lincoln Lavoie to work with @Trevor Lovett to spec out requirements for user documentation for the upcoming OVP release (i.e. running testing without Dovetail).
Lincoln has submitted some slides to CNTT meeting to provide an overview of CVC, its structure and relationship to the board and other projects
ONS Un-conference will have a session CNTT testing framework, etc.
CNTT will be discussing some future requirements / evolution for the OVP programs, which will likely drive our work plan for 2020.
Keynote Panel Compliance & Verification (Topics to raise during discussions)
Lincoln will highlight up coming release in 2019 to support VNF Validation
Hacking Track for upcoming Plugfest / DDF, that is aimed at December / January time-frame
Items for the LFN Board
Will provide an update on the expected 2019 release for VNF Validation Testing.
Where do we go from here and how will CNTT feed into these directions.