2019-09-16 CVC Meeting Minutes

2019-09-16 CVC Meeting Minutes


  1. @Lincoln Lavoie

  2. @Rabi Abdel

  3. @Heather Kirksey 

  4. Bryan Whittle

  5. @Shiby Parayil

  6. @steven stark

  7. @Susan Mangini

  8. @Trevor Lovett

  9. @victor gao

  10. @Ryan Hallahan

  11. @Kodi

  12. @Steven Wright


Outstanding Action Items


Hacking Track Status

  • Moving forward.  There are slides / updates for the upcoming board meeting.

  • Opportunity for a Webinar on this topic to help drive interest / participation into the session.

TOSCA VNF Validation Status

  • Have almost completed all the development work, just bug fixes remaining.

  • @victor gao confirmed the SDC enhancements are not required for the badge testing (El Alto will be able to fully support the badge).

  • Looks of discussions about "ETSI Compliance" during OSN Days, and it would be good to understand how this work will impact the existing projects (VNFRQTS, VNFSDK, VVP, etc.)

    • @Heather Kirksey to find more information.

  • TOSCA test cast is still missing from VNFRQTS, this was assigned here: https://jira.onap.org/browse/VNFSDK-452https://jira.onap.org/browse/VNFSDK-451

    • @Rabi Abdel  will follow up with the assignee.

HEAT VNF Validation Status

  • All code review is completed and merged.

  • Working on last minute testing and documentation.

  • @Lincoln Lavoie to work with @Trevor Lovett to spec out requirements for user documentation for the upcoming OVP release (i.e. running testing without Dovetail).


  • Lincoln has submitted some slides to CNTT meeting to provide an overview of CVC, its structure and relationship to the board and other projects

  • ONS Un-conference will have a session CNTT testing framework, etc.

  • CNTT will be discussing some future requirements / evolution for the OVP programs, which will likely drive our work plan for 2020.

  • Keynote Panel Compliance & Verification (Topics to raise during discussions)

    • Lincoln will highlight up coming release in 2019 to support VNF Validation

    • Hacking Track for upcoming Plugfest / DDF, that is aimed at December / January time-frame

  • Items for the LFN Board 

    • Will provide an update on the expected 2019 release for VNF Validation Testing.

    • Where do we go from here and how will CNTT feed into these directions.