2019-06-17 CVC Meeting Minutes

2019-06-17 CVC Meeting Minutes


Meeting did not occur

  • Did not hit a critical mass on participants to review the lab applications, these will be tabled until next week.

DDF Recap

  • Had 2 successful session on CVC and OVP programs.  First was overview of OVP at large and work completed to date, second was a working session to develop a work plan for the VNF validation testing (i.e. execute on the MVP)

  • Outcomes of the working session and notes were captured here: 2019 - OVP MVP Planning

  • TOSCA teams also had two work sessions to plan work required to complete the MVP milestones for TOSCA based VNFs.

VeorEir Lab Application

  • Deferred to next meeting.

CAICT Lab Application

  • Deferred to next meeting.

Any other business

  • None.