2019-07-15 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@steven stark
@Trevor Lovett
@victor gao
@Vincent Scharf
@Trevor Cooper
Outstanding Action Items
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Time - Clash with ONAP PTL meeting extension (30 minute overlap)
This time is difficult for Rabi who is usually driving at this time
Hour after is LFN SPC
Proposal to create a Rocket Chat Room for CVC
Can help with time-zone issue
Already used in ONAP, just will have to create a channel
Works in China but not in ATT.
Discuss more with ONAP, needs more investigation.
HEAT base VNF validation testing user story demo / walk through
Trevor L shared re. Heat based VNF onboarding and testing approach
Provide feedback and questions to update Wiki page
Will be cloning VVP directly, there are security concerns running docker in docker. Long term make VVP a deploy-able component. Needs discussion.
Slides Reviewed:
Status: invoking tests, but not producing full package yet. Have draft of HS validation report, working on Robot test cases
TOSCA base VNF validation testing user story demo / walk through
Victor gave status update
Use Robot directly as test engine?
Almost finished developing test cases. AR Victor update status on Wiki.
Victor: LF recommends using slack (onapproject.slack.com, beta testing) because LF can host Slack services. Currently, I work very well on this platform.
VNF validation testing
Review input and comments to 2019 - OVP MVP Planning
Any other business