2019-08-12 CVC Meeting Minutes

2019-08-12 CVC Meeting Minutes


  1. @Lincoln Lavoie

  2. @Heather Kirksey 

  3. Bryan Whittle

  4. @steven stark

  5. @Tapio Tallgren

  6. @Trevor Cooper

  7. @Trevor Lovett

  8. @victor gao 

  9. Yangguanzhi

  10. @Shiby Parayil

  11. @Steven Wright


Outstanding Action Items


OVP Release Planning

  • When should an update to the VNF compliance tests be released?

  • Current Status:

    • VNF 2019.04 Requirements based on ONAP Casablanca release.

    • No VNF has been publicly listed for HEAT or TOSCA.

    • Current ONAP release is Dublin, which includes some updates to VNF RQTS and associated test cases in HEAT and TOSCA?

  • Release Plan

    • Next OVP VNF release will target output of ONAP El Alto release and will include the updates to the VNF Compliance tests (VNF package validation) and the first release of VNF Validation tests (VNF life-cycle).  Will work on specific plan for dates, etc. during next week's meeting.

    • Question: Can we better link the badge version/number to the specific ONAP release some how (i.e. 2019.04 relates to the Casablanca release)?

      • There was an action item assigned to LFN Marketing to review overall logo / badge branding, messaging, collateral, etc. (Brand Architecture).  They will be having a face-to-face meeting at ONS in September.

  • Work Plan

    • Tabled to the next meeting.

TOSCA VNF Validation Updates

  • Results output from the test tool, producing a "zip" archive file.  ETA is one or two weeks for this to be complete.

    • Results format: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail/Results+Requirements+of+OVP+Portal

      @Dan Xu Need some additional input from Dovetail team on the format / structure of sub_tests.
      @Trevor Lovett will make an initial proposal for the list of sub-tests for VNF Validation testing.
    • Some discussion about pointers to log files from within the results.json file.  This needs discussion with the Dovetail team.

  • CLI to run the testing without the SDC (i.e. how a VNF would test for certification)

    • Should be documentation work, using existing CLI(s).

  • As part of the TOSCA development work, a feature (new code) was added to ONAP SDC, which will be excluded from ONAP E-release (will be in F-release)

    • Need to ensure TOSCA VNF validation with ONAP El Alto release is possible.  


    @victor gaoto conform with @Rabi Abdel if SDC new features will be required for validation testing.

HEAT VNF Validation Updates

  • Working through two interfaces to "upload" a VNF to OANP. 

  • Next work item is the output format, ETA 2 weeks (assumes agreement on formats with Dovetail team).

  • ONAP E-release is aiming for September 30, dev 3 end (coding complete) is September 6.

OVP Hacking Track for VNF Vendors at next LFN DDF/Plugfest

  • Presentation from @Amar Kapadia

  • Out of time, tabled until next week.

Any other business

  • There is a false meeting for VNF SDK / VVP / Dovetail on Monday (am slot in USA), which is not an active / actual meeting.  CVC weekly call took the place of that meeting.