2019-06-24 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Trevor Lovett
@Georg Kunz
Shiby Parayil
Fernando Oliveira
Steven Stark
Vincent Danno
Kodi Atuchukwu
Ashok Kumar
Pierre Lynch
Trevor Cooper
Trevor Lovett
Dan Xu
Rabi Abdel
<phone> - This was Rabi
@Jim Baker
Action Items
DDF Recap
Had 2 successful session on CVC and OVP programs. First was overview of OVP at large and work completed to date, second was a working session to develop a work plan for the VNF validation testing (i.e. execute on the MVP)
Outcomes of the working session and notes were captured here: 2019 - OVP MVP Planning
TOSCA teams also had two work sessions to plan work required to complete the MVP milestones for TOSCA based VNFs.
Agreed to use the off-Monday (every other Monday) call schedule to coordinate the work between different project teams for the delivery of the VNF MVP.
VeorEir Lab Application
Patric presented the VoirEir lab application (attached to CVC minutes from 2019-06-10)
Results were reviewed by @Georg Kunz (he say's +1 to the results), bug for HA issues is being tracked in Jura for YardStick
Approved, pending the additional +1 is received for the results review.
CAICT Lab Application
CAICT lab application was attached to the
@Jim Baker confirmed they are an LFN associate member.
@Dan Xu confirmed they have been an active participant in the Dovetail project.
Results need to be reviewed (see actions below).
Approved, pending two +1 results reviews are received, per the above.
Any other business
Idea to create a place on the CVC Wiki to store lab application materials. Lincoln will create this.
A question was received from an additional lab about the program, and this lab will likely submit an application (see compliance email list). This is just a heads up to the group.
Monday, July 1 call will be for coordination of the MVP VNF development work, as agreed during the DDF event.