2019-10-21 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@Jim Baker
@Bryan Whittle
@Fernando Oliveira
@steven stark
@Susan Mangini
@Tapio Tallgren
@Trevor Cooper
@Trevor Lovett
@Shiby Parayil
@Mark Shostak
@Michael Fix
Outstanding Action Item
Plugfest Planning (VNF Hacking Track)
Webinar tomorrow (October 22):
Plugfest schedule (including ONAP DDF and CNTT), January 13-16, 2020, in Prague.
VNF Testing Demos
Documentation is located here: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=68546123
All tests are run from kubectl on a local host, scripts take care of copying the VNF being tested over to the ONAP container instances, etc.
Will be part of the El Alto release (sign off expected this week by ONAP TSC).
OVP Release Planning
Current release: OVP 2019.12
Added link to TOSCA VNF Validation documentation: https://wiki.onap.org/display/DW/OVP-VTP
Need to add a tracking item for the portal update / published live.
NFVI Submission
Need to handle the technical review process this week (reviewers look for email from Lincoln)
Will handle the final review / publishing next week (October
Any other business
Sharing CVC / OVP board slides, still waiting on answer from LFN staff (question was asked last week).
CVC mailing lists and call schedule - Jim Baker
Virtual topics - scheduled to a specific week, but keeping the weekly meeting (no more meetings)
Topics would rotate through each week
Action Item: Rabi / Lincoln to propose a list of topics, and will bring these to next week's meeting.
Need to update the meeting invite to make it clear it is a single, weekly meeting, with a rotating topics and other business.
Look into possibly changing the weekly CVC call day / time for 2020. We did just discuss this topic a few months ago, and participants felt the current time was the best fit. Maybe make this part of our annual planning (i.e. setting a call schedule for each new year).
No changes to the current email list / structure.