2019-08-19 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@Jim Baker
@steven stark
@Trevor Lovett
@Trevor Cooper
@Susan Mangini
@Steven Wright
@Georg Kunz
@Mark Shostak
@Dan Xu
Brian Whittle
George Yang
Outstanding Action Items
OVP Hacking Track for VNF Vendors at next LFN DDF/Plugfest
Presentation from @Amar Kapadia
Training on the tools and the review process
Should we have planning calls during October / November
Assigned Champions: Amar, looking for 1 more champion
Set aside time for check in during each CVC call.
DDF/Plugfest is aiming for December 3-6, but details are still being planned.
TOSCA VNF Validation Updates
Walked through some of the updates to the VTP API to support the validation testing, including how to get the results and debug information, etc.
TOSCA VNF validation will be possible with the El Alto release, but the process will be run manually through scripts or API.
Final confirmation by next CVC meeting.
HEAT VNF Validation Updates
Core testing is completed, working on the results format alignment (log files, sub-tests, removing reliance on dovetail.log, requires portal changes), HEAT team is working on those changes
Dovetail team is going to work on portal changes to support the above change.
OVP Release Planning
Aiming for release by end of 2019 calendar year
Testing Ready: as El Alto release (September 30)
Test definition needs to be submitted to VNFRQTS
@Steven Wright will create the Jira tickets to track this addition
Test case mapping is here: https://onap.readthedocs.io/en/latest/submodules/vnfrqts/testcases.git/docs/Appendix.html
Documentation Updates:
Test Requirements Published
Update the OVP VNF portal to point to the "read the docs"
Testers Guides Published - Done by end of October
We will need to work on how / where this will be published
Beta Testing:
TOSCA VNF - Champion by Rabi
HEAT VNF - Champion by Trevor
Launch / Announcements:
Press Release - Aim as a release out of the DDF/Plugfest (early December), with inclusion of vendor names and service providers that supported the testing efforts.
ONS Europe 2019 Planning
Presentation slots & top level messaging
Revisit during next week.
Any other business