2019-06-03 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@Trevor Lovett
@Fernando Oliveira
@Steven Wright
@Ryan Hallahan
@Jim Baker
@Kenny Paul
@Ramesh Nagarajan
VNF Validation MVP
Continue work on the VNF Validation Minimum Viable Product
Reviewed and updated slides for the ONAP TSC meeting on June 6, 2019.
Gerrit review for the test case template, needs additional input for TOSCA: https://gerrit.onap.org/r/c/vnfrqts/testcases/+/88968/3
Need additional input on the procedure (steps) to understand how "different" TOSCA will be from heat. This will provide some guidance on how to best add coverage for both VNF types.
Need input to ensure the pass/fail requirements will apply equally to both VNF types.
DDF Events
Three sessions (2 on TOSCA and 1 one MVP Road map): Schedule, June '19
June 11: 10:15am - TOSCA session
June 11: 3pm - Road map session
June 13: 9am - TOSCA session
Primary goal from the road map session is to create the work plan, milestones, and delivery dates for the components
Should the plugfest OVP session include some review training, will add this as a topic to that session.
Lincoln & Rabi will be participating remotely during the DDF sessions.
Any other business