2019-10-14 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Bryan Whittle
@Fernando Oliveira
@Mark Shostak
@steven stark
@Trevor Cooper
@Trevor Lovett
@Ryan Hallahan
@victor gao
@Timo Perala
@Susan Mangini
Outstanding Action Items
NFVI Submission Review
Expecting submission received from Ericsson (legal form received), will contact reviewers as soon as we have the results loaded for review.
Plugfest Planning (VNF Hacking Track)
Currently have about 80 participants registered for the October 22 Webinar.
Week of January 13-17 is morning forward, and location will be in Europe
OVP Release Planning
Reviewed the OVP 2019.12 release plan and made updates to status, etc.
VNF Testing Demos
TOSCA team provided a demo of running the TOSCA VNF validation testing, including the ONAP CLI.
They are working with the Dovetail team to determine where the OVP results formatting should be handled (VTP or Dovetail).
Currently, VNF validation is run separately from compliance.
Need to ensure we can package the testing into a single run, so we can have a single submission to the OVP portal.
Deferred until next meeting, Monday, October 21.
Any other business
Reviewed the CVC slides presented during the LFN board meeting during ONS.
Lincoln will work with LFN to get CVC slides to CVC members.