2019-10-07 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Rabi Abdel
@Mark Shostak (AT&T)
Tapio Tallgren (Nokia)
@Trevor Lovett (AT&T)
@Bryan Whittle
@steven stark
@Susan Mangini
@Ryan Hallahan
Outstanding Action Items
Hacking Track & Plugfest Planning
Presented to the board, board feedback was positive, but also also for consideration of CNFs or similar.
Rabi will talk to whackiest team to finalise plan.
Webinar planned for October 22.
Lincoln, Rabi, Amar, Piere, Heather.
No Plans for Demos, only slides. (slides and material to be shared with CVC before webinar).
LFN Developer and Testing Forum Jan 2020 OVP VNF Hacking Track
OVP Release Planning
Release gates have been documented here OVP 2019.12
HEAT VNF Validation Updates
No specific discussion points for this meeting.
TOSCA VNF Validation Updates
During the ONS EU 2019 event, some discussions around results format, the team agreed they will adopt the same results output format already agreed by HEAT / Dovetail, captured here: https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/dovetail/Results+Requirements+of+OVP+Portal
TOSCA: Rabi to sync with TOSCA team to give more update.
TOSCA test cases requirement has been committed and merged into VNFRQTS.
Tosca description was a bit different than what has been talked about a bit.
It will be good to get an update from them for next meeting.
Any other business
Group would like more lead time on input to the LFN board from the CVC
AP: Rabi to exollicity ask Heather to get access to slides presented to LFN board.