2019-12-16 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@Tapio Tallgren
@Fernando Oliveira
Outstanding Action Items
OVP Submissions
ZTE Lab Submission: ZTE_Linux_Foundation_Networking_Qualified_Lab_Application_v1.docx
Sample Test Results: 9cd34c64-eff9-11e9-904e-0242ac110002
Reviewed by (and received +1): @Georg Kunz and @Mika Rautakumpu
Previous Dovetail / CVC participant left ZTE, Serena will be working with the Dovetail team in the future.
ZTE lab hardware (used for the results) was a 6 server pod, with specifications: ZTE E9000 Blades (128GB RAM, 20 sockets, 40 threads, 2.3 GHz, Network 4x 10Gbps & 2x 1Gbps, 2x 600 GB disks)
Agreed to approve ZTE as an OVP lab.
@Lincoln Lavoie to work with LFN to post ZTE info to the website.
OVP 2019.12 Release
Dovetail team has started to work on the documentation updates
Still need to documentation on VNF testing from HEAT and TOSCA teams
Lincoln created a place holder in the release notes as a patch, that needs to be aligned with Xudan's updates.
- @Lincoln Lavoie will send an email to the teams (HEAT / TOSCA) to ask them to update Xudan's / Lincoln's patch.
Aiming to release on December 30, if we can complete the documentation updates.
OVP 2.0 Intro & Planning
OVP 2.0 is starting to kick off, with the goal of defining / updating the programs to support cloud native VNFs (i.e. containers, etc.).
There will be some working sessions during the upcoming January event in Prague DDF event (2020 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule)
Any Other Business
Next meetings:
December 23, final check before the OVP2019.12 release
Then on break until January 6.
Will not meet on January 13 teleconference (may have face-to-face session during DDF event).