2019-11-04 CVC Meeting Minutes
@Lincoln Lavoie
@Rabi Abdel
@Bryan Whittle
@Georg Kunz
@Pierre Lynch [Keysight]
@Susan Mangini
@Tapio Tallgren
@Trevor Lovett
@Fernando Oliveira
Outstanding Action Items
NFVI submission review
Ericsson has submitted results for review: 67ba9122-cd6c-11e9-93dc-0242ac110002
Results have been reviewed by Eddy Raineri (Wind River) and Xu Dan (Huawei)
Results were missing the all_hosts_info.json, this was determined to be due to issue with where (the controller) where Dovetail was run.
The file was correctly gathered by Ericsson and provided via email to the reviewers and look correct and accurate.
The updated / resent all_hosts_info.json file and the SUT_info is attached to these minutes for reference / archive.
Can we award the NFVI 2018.09 badge to Ericsson or do we require they re-upload a new tar archive file for review?
Group agree to award the NFVI 2018.09 badge to Ericsson.
Lincoln will publish the application information to the portal website.
OVP Release Planning
ONAP El Alto has officially been released, includes the core functionality for the VNF Validation.
VNF Validation:
Critical topic: Need commercial VNF vendors to participate in beta testing, looking for at least 2 participants for each VNF template type.
For the 2019.12 read-the-docs, this will be done in the OPNFV Dovetail stable branch, and can be separate pages / sections as needed.
Current HEAT / TOSCA how-to guides are in the ONAP wiki, those would be published in the above OPNFV Dovetail read-the-docs.
Test case descriptions and requirements are published in the ONAP El Alto read-the-docs, this would be linked / pointed to from the Dovetail documentation.
NFVI Validation:
Dovetail team will focus on updates to support the OPNFV Hunter Release officially. Test cases / requirements will remain consistent with those from the 2018.09 release.
Jira epics have been created to track the major components required for the release: Dovetail update (test scripts), Portal Updates, Documentation Updates.
Any other business
Dovetail Meeting:
Wednesday, 9am EST
Meetings are via IRC (chat) only, no voice bridge.
Meeting Minutes: http://ircbot.wl.linuxfoundation.org/meetings/opnfv-dovetail/2019/