Task Force Members,
A summary and actions from last Thursday’s Governance call are provided below. Note: I have flipped the format here with the key call outs and action items first. KEY UPDATE: CNTT’s touch points within the community continue to expand rapidly. Significant analysis and focus is being applied by GSMA and LFN to discover, identify, and intake CNTT needs appropriately with the community. We need resources to take advantage of this momentum.
Key Resources Needed
- Marketing – we’re looking for a member(s) to take the lead working with OPNFV to stay coordinated and aligned on marketing activities. Bob Monkman is liaison for OPNFV. Having a lead for him to work with would be very good.
- Labs – we’re looking for major volunteer(s) to provide lab resources to OPNFV for CNTT related testing.
- Test Scripts and Test Suites – we’re looking for more committers and contributors of test suites, test scripts, etc. for the Reference Implementation project proposed to the OPNFV TSC. Email went out to the distro lists for this. Emphasizing need contributions from community. This is our opportunity to ‘shift left’ on testing for that initial VNF validation, allows also for VNF providers have a place to come before making their way to each of the telcos. This is a core goal of CNTT—the only way to achieve this is for us to be active contributors in test suites and test creation. Please reach out to Fu Qiao or Mike Fix for more info.
- All working groups – CNTT is always open and eager include any folks who is looking to take a lead/co-lead role in any of the working groups.