20190905 - [CNTT - GOV] - Meeting Minutes
Task Force Members,
A summary and actions from last Thursday’s Governance call are provided below. Note: I have flipped the format here with the key call outs and action items first. KEY UPDATE: CNTT’s touch points within the community continue to expand rapidly. Significant analysis and focus is being applied by GSMA and LFN to discover, identify, and intake CNTT needs appropriately with the community. We need resources to take advantage of this momentum.
Key Resources Needed
Marketing – we’re looking for a member(s) to take the lead working with OPNFV to stay coordinated and aligned on marketing activities. Bob Monkman is liaison for OPNFV. Having a lead for him to work with would be very good.
Labs – we’re looking for major volunteer(s) to provide lab resources to OPNFV for CNTT related testing.
Test Scripts and Test Suites – we’re looking for more committers and contributors of test suites, test scripts, etc. for the Reference Implementation project proposed to the OPNFV TSC. Email went out to the distro lists for this. Emphasizing need contributions from community. This is our opportunity to ‘shift left’ on testing for that initial VNF validation, allows also for VNF providers have a place to come before making their way to each of the telcos. This is a core goal of CNTT—the only way to achieve this is for us to be active contributors in test suites and test creation. Please reach out to Fu Qiao or Mike Fix for more info.
All working groups – CNTT is always open and eager include any folks who is looking to take a lead/co-lead role in any of the working groups.
Action Items:
Jonathan – add test entry and exit criteria to Antwerp Agenda
Jonathan – add GSMA updates as standing item to Governance agenda
Jonathan – Complete Antwerp agenda and figure out how breakout session with projects/community will work - DONE
Jonathan/Rick/Jim – figure out logistics for lunch (converting room at same time)
GSMA – for next gov call will provide info on document management
GSMA & LFN – Apache license issue resolution
Governance – Identify all 2020 F2F meeting and DDF needs for OPNFV budget planning
Mike F. – Reach out to Heather Kirksey re: how to include OCP in hardware discussions
Rick – FAQs for Antwerp
Open Items:
Figure out – long-term RA artifact management
Figure out – how to get an RA gap analysis into the OPNFV repository as a community reference
Questions – is lab hardware focused on validation and test components, not looking at overall needs by LFN? What is available? What can grow?
Detailed Notes:
Agenda Bashing
Roundtable in MWC GSMA - https://www.gsma.com/futurenetworks/events-and-webinars/5g-roundtable-mwc19-los-angeles/
Technology Update
Finalizing principles. Finalizing requirements. Working on roadmap priorities. No blockers.
Targeting having some significant material for RA
LFN 2020 planning started so OPNFV seeking community input
LFN MAC (Marketing Advisory Council) planning has also kicked off. Bob Monkman is MAC liaison for OPNFV to CNTT. Looking for a lead to participate help shape and align marketing activities for next year.
LFN is also gathering inputs on needs from all the technical projects so they can initiate discussion IN ANTWERP on 9/26
Jonne - Needing input for Finance by 9/9 so they can start collating info
Jonne – “things start to ossify quickly”
Strategic Planning Committee and Finance Committee – Jonne is Chair
Assumption is any budgetary impact rolls up in to OPNFV
Assumption is CNTT needs roll up into OPNFV project budget
GSMA will chip in for hosting events and logistics
Michele Z. and Heather K. to have a call next week to align
Proposal is CNTT fold into the norm of OPNFV / LFN events, e.g. two big DDF plug fests per year, two ONSs give 4 regular meetings per year
Makes things easier from a logistics management standpoint
Marketing input should be more goal oriented
Reference Implementation
RI presented to TSC on Tues. 9/10, official vote expected by TSC by 9/16, getting project proposal wrapped up before ONS is goal
Feedback on Reference Implementation Project Proposal is still sought (see wiki)
Goal should be to understand how much of RI should leverage/align with existing projects—anywhere can leverage feature, installer, test projects, etc.
Goal is totally to leverage what is there and not recreate any wheels in OPNFV, repeatable, and additive.
Need committers and contributors for the RI project. Current list of committers in on Wiki.
Test & Certification
Still collecting inputs from PTLs
List of verification test scripts in 5 categories sent out yesterday for feedback – call out is for folks to review and based on company team experiences, what categories are missing? What scenarios? What use-cases are missing? Where is duplication? We need feedback by next week’s Gov call. Test case reviews are starting with other OPNFV projects.
1 - Work test cases into existing projects
2 - Create another ‘RM type’ project except related to Test cases, if needed
Goal is to ensure the approach still serves all.
Emphasizing need contributions from community. This is our opportunity to ‘shift left’ our testing for that initial VNF validation, allows also for VNF providers have a place to come before making their way to each of the telcos. This is a core goal of CNTT—the only way to achieve this is for us to be active contributors in test suites and test creation.
Add exit and entry criteria discussion to Antwerp agenda
Test Verification Chapter 8 – exit and entry criteria will be published by midday (9/5).
5 issues being tracked for Botrange – pushing to close as much as possible before Antwerp
Shout out to Rabi – especially for OPNFV CVC alignment discussions
Thought expressed that Pharos doesn’t quite fit
If there are ways we can involve the OCP in hardware discussions, align with their specs as well is potential areas for collaboration as they are a hardware centric group
Antwerp Planning
All lunches and breaks are synchronized…need to figure out from catering how lunch is being done.
There is a desire for Joint discussions with folks like ONAP and CVC, need to figure out how breakout sessions can work.
Steven Turell arch lead, Shocker(sp?) from Huawei, Alexei from Bell Canada potential folks to meet up with
Apache licensing not totally resolve yet.
Additional concerns are still raised. LFN legal team is still driving to get in contact with GSMA. If there is anyone still concerned with this issue please reach out to Heather.
Michele Z having call with Jonne later today. GSMA is flexible and open to change to something more suitable.
Beth will put together slides and questions for panel during ONS.