20191205 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
Original Agenda: CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop, January 2020
Alternative Agenda: CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop, Prague, Czech Republic
Call for Proposed Topics: CNTT Deep Dive & Cross-Community Sessions Proposals: CNTT F2F Technical Work Shop (Prague)
Technical Status CNTT_Status_2019-12-05.pptx
RI_RC Status CNTT_Weekly_Goverance_RI-RC 5Dec2019.pptx
@Mark Cottrell (AT&T)
@Rick Tennant (AT&T)
@Michael Fix
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
@Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
@Ian Gardner (Vodafone)
@Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
@Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
@speedwyre (AT&T)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
@vincent.danno@orange.com (Orange)
@William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
@Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
@Mark Shostak (AT&T)
@Heather Kirksey (LF)
@Jisu Park (GSMA)
@Rajamani, Rajesh (Spirent)
@Mike Bustamente (AT&T)
@Phil Robb (Ericsson)
@Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
@Karine Sevilla (Orange)
@Trevor Cooper (Intel)
@Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
@Jonne Soininen (Nokia)
Agenda Topics:
Anti-Trust Policies
Walk-On Items - Agenda Bashing
GSMA & LFN Updates @Heather Kirksey @Jisu Park
Governance Work Streams
CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Prague, January 13-16, 2020 (see appendix for detail)
Prague Facility | Logistical Updates
Call for Proposed Topics
Business and Technical Metrics
Priority Needs
Developer resource: to write scripts, pull data, etc. from GitHub, other data sources as we discover them.
Identify the repos participants are contributing to currently.
Description of what components of CNTT the repo is used for (e.g. RM, RAx, RIx, RCx, sub-components if available)
Overall Status @Rabi Abdel
CIRV - OPNFV @Michael Fix @Qiao Fu
Governance Work streams Overall Status @Mark Cottrell
LFN - Heather
Recommends future readout of Kubecon on Governance call
GSMA - Jisu looking to figure out three things:
documentation work
understand which org/own will take over documentation work
how delivered to gsma, i.e. digital delivery
AI proposing making first version
who will deliver documentation
Scope of GSMA handover: RM ok, RA needs further discussion.
GSMA offering to host in June
AI - @Heather Kirksey @Jisu Park @Mark Cottrell / @Rick Tennant to discuss offline
AI - add GSMA handover session topic to Prague agenda @Rick Tennant
CNTT F2F Workshop, Prague @Rick Tennant (See appendix)
LFN Guidance on coordination for Prague
AI - Submit all Prague topic proposals by EOD next Tuesday (12/10) (See link in appendix)
If you are assigned in Facilitator(s) column, you need to confirm willing to facilitate "YES" in Committed/Confirmed column. (If not, that session will likely be deprioritized).
If you have any topics you need but are not on the list, please add and fill in details accordingly
AI - If anyone wants to sponsor the LFN event lunch, please contact @Heather Kirksey
Business and Technical Metrics
Specalytics tools needs to be reviewed. Works for openstack, not for OPNFV.
Challenge is user identify management
data grooming
LFN uses Bitergia
AI - Need volunteer for
Release Roadmap discussion
Cedric saying Ch. 5? is ready today.
What is available today
OVP needs to get aligned with what we have available.
We need to be able to link RI to RC from a business perspective to set proper expectations for adoption
MC would like to see RC1 alpha and main release one to the left.
Need to have the 'badges' defined before release. Badges don't show up till official version.
Separate release numbering from actual badging? I.e. friendly release in April time frame, then scale up so achieve RC1 v1
The badge is the meaningful component to mean something to Telcos
AI - Proposal to add beta to release cadence
AI - add issues here to Prague RLM topics @speedwyre
CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Prague, January 13-16, 2020
Start | Stop Times: 09:00 - 18:00 (facility must be vacated by 18:30)
Lunches will not be provided - 1.5 hour lunch break each day
Cafe in facility (snacks only); food service within walking distance of facility
Two 30 minute breaks (10:30, 15:30) will include snack & beverage service
Beverage service available all day
Facility Update
Forum Hall will not be utilized - separate, joined rooms will be utilized for LFN sessions
South Hall A&B dedicated to CNTT
Accommodates up to 150 (nested-U configuration requested with electric to all tables)
Two other rooms available to OPNFV & CNTT for meetings | un-conference sessions
Accommodates 25 in a classroom configuration
Day 1 & Day 2 plenary topics will remain as planned; Day 3 & Day 4 breakout session topics are still under development and open for proposals
Agenda topics can be proposed via this link: CNTT Deep Dive & Cross-Community Sessions Proposals: CNTT F2F Technical Work Shop (Prague)
Open to all community members
Proposed topics should be submitted by EOD 12/10/19 to be considered
Important: Include indication to facilitate session with "YES" in the Confirmed | Commit column
Agenda topics will be finalized by 12/13/19
Schedule will be set at this time with possible minor changes prior to work shop start
Proposed agenda will be reviewed on 12/12/19 Governance call