20191017 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
CNTT Structure_Resource Distribution_v4_10.16.19.pdf
CNTT_Structure_2019_10_16v2.pptx (edits per meeting)
@name (Company)
@Rick Tennant (AT&T)
@Mark Shostak (AT&T)
@Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
@Ian Gardner (Vodafone)
@Michael Fix (AT&T)
@Mike Bustamente (AT&T)
@Herbert Damker (DT)
@speedwyre (AT&T)
@Karine Sevilla (Orange)
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@Toshi Wakayama (Toshi, KDDI)
@MECHTERI, Marouane(Bouygues Telecom)
@Al Morton (AT&T)
@vincent.danno@orange.com (Orange)
@Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
@Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
@Pierre Lynch [Keysight] (Keysight)
@Trevor Cooper (Intel)
@Phil Robb (Ericsson)
@Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
@Jim Baker (LFN)
@Ildiko (OSF)
@Xu Yang (Huawei)
@victor gao (Huawei)
@Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
@Jisu Park(GSMA)
Agenda Topics:
Walk On Items
GSMA & LFN (Quick Updates)
CNTT Structure_Resource Distribution_v4_10.16.19.pdf
CNTT Structure
Lead/Co-Lead Assignments – ppt doc
Interim Processes – ppt doc
Structure Questions – word doc
Kekes High-Level Roadmap
Technical Status
Testing & Certification Status
Walk On Items
Pierre Lynch speaking at GNTC next week in Nanjing. "I'm doing an ETSI NFV update."
AI - Mark Cottrell will share his MWC slides for use, and put on Wiki page.
Welcome to Jisu Park from GSMA as new representative to CNTT.
AI - CNTT needs to address Light Reading article, update communications approach to address article.
AI - Mark Cottrell to work with Heather to respond. https://www.lightreading.com/cloud/gartner-nfv-is-dead-andndash-the-cloud-killed-it-/d/d-id/754790
GSMA & LFN (Quick Updates)
CNTT Structure
Word document is directional in nature. Work on this over next 4-6 weeks.
PPT is for interim operation.
AI - JB post pdf of word doc. check into issue with inability to read. - DONE
AI - requesting vendors to consider filling gaps in lead/co-leads
CALL OUT - there is a need for more resources in RI space. All participants/companies requested to look at allocations and determine if they can re-balance resources to support RI and other spaces where resources are lacking. See CNTT Structure_Resource Distribution_v4_10.16.19.pdf.
THANK YOU - we have seen growth in resource commitments over the past few weeks.
AI - From a marketing and strategy perspective, need to include CNFs in communications. .e.g RC3 will likely turn towards CNFs.
CVC mentioned in WS Scope Illustration is directional in nature. For clarity, CVC box should be removed but still need to have discussions with CVC.
Highlighted in yellow – late nominees
Open positions are noted to improve leadership diversity – please nominate for the openings requested
RA 1 Dev – need another lead / co-lead (operator?)
AI - RI needs additional leads / contributors – request to pivot resources from other work streams to this area
OPNFV logo on RI – 1) Labs will be hosted by OPNFV, working as a project within OPNFV, 2) CNTT will have significant input into the OPNFV Labs, leveraging CNTT plans & vision
Balance with current processes in OPNFV with CNTT needs
AI - Jim B. to get statement from LFN/CNCF on certification.
AI - can add name on change from Fu Qiao.
Facilitators will be leveraged to ensure major areas (collective work streams, e.g. RM, RA, RI, RC, Gov) are integrated & glued together
DECISION - All leads / co-leads incl. late nominations are accepted. Term is till end of 2020. (Leads/Co-Leads Wiki Version 214). Will accept new leads for gaps identified only and expected adjustments to be sent via email from from Fu Qiao (CM).
DECISION - CNTT Structure as documented in the "CNTT_Structure_2019_10_16.pptx" linked at the top of this page is accepted for interim operation.