20191219 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
CNTT Agenda: CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop, Prague, January 2020
Day 4 Poll Results: Day 4 - Poll Results.pdf
LFN Master Calendar: 2019 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule
Technical Status: CNTT_Status_2019-12-18.pptx
RI_RC Status: RI_RC Update_12.19.19.pptx
Governance Status: CNTT_Gov-Status_2019-19-12.pptx
@Rick Tennant (AT&T)
@Michael Fix
@Jisu Park (GSMA)
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
@speedwyre (AT&T)
@Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
@Mark Cottrell (AT&T)
@Ian Gardner (Vodafone)
@Rabi Abdel (VF)
@Mark Shostak (AT&T)
@vincent.danno@orange.com (Orange)
@Tomas Fredberg [Ericsson] (Ericsson)
@Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
@Karine Sevilla (Orange)
@Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
Agenda Topics:
Anti-Trust Policies
Walk-On Items - Agenda Bashing
Recruiting BDM interviews in Prague: Discussion Guide
Next Call - Jan 9, 2020
GSMA & LFN Updates @Heather Kirksey @Jisu Park
Governance Work Streams
CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Prague, January 13-16, 2020
Register Here
Day 4 Polling Results | Decision
Session Assignment Notifications
Overall Status @Rabi Abdel
CIRV - OPNFV @Michael Fix @Qiao Fu
Governance Work streams Overall Status @Mark Cottrell@speedwyre
Parking Lot
Kubecon readout
@Jisu Park Jisu would like to set up meeting in Prague w/Heather to discuss GSMA related items.
Technical F2F Workshop
Will move forward with scheduling Day 4 Workshops
AI - @speedwyrereport a bug in the pollling function in opnfv.groups.io
Technology Status
10th January is 'code' freeze
Trying to closeout items on the status report
Target state lab working on alpha release of RI
Setup targeted for this week
Deployment compliance automation is being readied
MVP for RI and RC are aligned
Teams getting ready for Prague
CNCF / CNTT proposal for speaking has been put in for joint meeting at Kubecon, San Diego
AI - @speedwyreadd Kubecon CNCF/CNTT event to LFN event wiki(s). Place where community is going to gather.
OIS in Vancouver, @Beth Cohen proposing forum discussion. @Ildikoworking on it and will update CNTT when plans finalized.
Look into 5G Summit in Dubai as potentially having CNTT presence.
AI - All Please provide feedback on Discussion guide questions for Marketing & Communications interview of business stakeholders.
Send who, what, when, why of CNTT events to @speedwyre for tracking.
@Heather Kirksey "Thanks for a great year!"
@Mark Cottrell "Very proud and thanks to everyone that made it happen this year."
@Rabi Abdel Very important we start focusing on adoption, releases, etc. Encourage everyone to go to GitHub and give early feedback.
CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Key Updates:
Agenda has been updated to align with the LFN 2019 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule
Includes "Welcome, breaks, lunch, and most "All Hands Events (exception Day 3)"
Overall CNTT schedule layout:
Day 1 & 2 - CNTT Plenary Sessions: Community & Work Stream Updates, Key Topics, and Alignment
Day 3
CNTT Technical Breakout Sessions
CNTT Structure Working Session (check agenda for location)
OPNFV | CNTT Joint Session (11:00 - 17:30)
Day 4 - Governance Plenary Sessions, including Recruiting, Adoption, Marketing & Communications, Business & Technical Metrics
***Community members wanting an understanding & voice in the overall community governance strategies & direction should attend these sessions***