20191010 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
Materials (presos, ppts, docs, etc.):
@name (org)
Mark.Cottrell@att.com (AT&T)
@Mike Bustamente (AT&T)
Rabi Abdel (Vodafone)
@speedwyre (AT&T)
@Michael Fix (AT&T)
@vincent.danno@orange.com (Orange)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
@Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
@Jonne Soininen (Nokia)
@Gergely Csatari (Nokia)
@Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
@Rick Tennant (AT&T)
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
@Jim Baker (LFN)
@Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
@Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
@Mark Shostak (AT&T)
@Heather Kirksey (Linux Foundation)
@Toshi Wakayama (Toshi, KDDI)
@Jeff Collins (Ericsson)
@Tamas Zsiros (Ericsson)
@Pierre Lynch [Keysight] (Keysight)
@MECHTERI, Marouane (Bouygues Telecom)
@Former user (Deleted) (Ericsson)
@Michele Zarri(GSMA)
@Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
@Trevor Cooper (Intel)
@Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
@Georg Kunz (Ericsson)
Jisu Park (GSMA)
@Qiao Fu(China Mobile)
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) (Intel)
@Herbert Damker (DT)
@Peter Woerndle (Ericsson)
@Jörg Aelken (Ericsson) (Ericsson)
@Fatih Degirmenci (Ericsson)
Agenda Topics:
Walk-On Items
GSMA & LFN Updates
LFN - what is the plan for the June - July, 2020 F2F?
LFN is targeting somewhere in Asia for this event. LFN needs to have discussion of Dec vs. Jan for regular cadence–what makes sense? Need to settle on 4 sessions per year.
Parking this discussion – Heather to continue pursuing. Also may include issues related to balancing resources amongst community.
Next F2F Workshop - Budapest
We are confirmed for Jan. 14th-16th, 2020 - Revision: Week of Jan 13th for co-located ONAP & CNTT Workshop. This is LFN 'Plan A'.
Ericsson Hungary, R&D Center - is 'Plan B' still
Budapest, Magyar tudósok körútja 11, 1117 Hungary
LFN is still looking at a Plan A to host in with Budapest or Warsaw still. Still getting feedback from venues.
LFN targeting COB tomorrow (Fri.) get all info from venues.
CNTT Structure
SC and Workstream Signup Metrics
1 lead or less than 4 total participants are starred
Organizations requested to move/redistribute/recruit new member resources around after analyzing the spread and fill gaps as see fit
VZ to add folks to list too
Leads / Co-Leads - prefer coordinator/facilitator + technical depth to lead forward help discussion move forward to making decisions
Lead / Co-Leads - expected to encourage content creation based on subject matter also
Action Item - set up discussion w/OPNFV TSC to move forward, have a special separate discussion around path forward with them: CNTT SCs and TSC. - Fu Qiao, Mike, Mark S. to lead this effort.
Include Reference Compliance leads in discussion.
Send out resource distribution slide to OPNFV to discuss needs jointly - e.g. for RI Dev.
Also need clarity on responsibilities/ownership/decision-making/gaps with respect to engagement model between CNTT and OPNFV.
Need clear honest discussion.
Discussion to find the blend that works right for OPNFV to continue or pause.
Recommendation by Heather for working with OPNFV, take care to not be too narrowed or siloed toward CNTT because a number of other ancillary services and projects require resources.
CNTT not yet main topics in OPNFV TSC meetings, need a shift to happen to engender ownership.
Action Item - additional engagement needed from CNCF.
Questions Document
Bulk of comments and concerns around the lead/co-lead nomination and selection process and voting
Recommendation by M. Cottrell - important to have blend of Telcos and Vendor partners
We'll incorporate new comments incoming after 10/7
Proposing Gov and Technical steering will come together to formalize plan and process to address any new functional areas questions/comments.
Devote next weeks meeting to this topic.
Request: Seeking speakers from CNTT for an Open meetup at Dell on Friday 25th @Noon in Santa Clara Dell Campus. Sukhdev Kapur from Juniper has volunteered to do this event.