20190919 - [CNTT - GOV] - Meeting Minutes
Agenda Materials
Key Update
Preparations for the CNTT F2F in Antwerp are wrapping up – please ensure all presentation are posted into the agenda wiki.
Mark Cottrell, Rabi Abdel, Beth Cohen, Mark Shostak, A.S., Heather Kirksey, Karine Sevilla, Mike Bustamente, Pankaj Goyal, Vincent Danno, Bernard Tsai, Fu Qiao, Ian, Gardner, Joerg Aeken, Peter Woerndle, Toshi Wakayama
Meeting Minutes
All – Post presentation materials to the CNTT agenda wiki
Heather | Jim – Verify power to the seating areas for the CNTT F2F
Heather – Determine how CNTT F2F Workshop walk-ins will be handled
Beth – Setup Etherpad for CNTT F2F sessions
Mark – Replace OPNFV with TBD as RA owner in the updated Common NFVI Lifecycle diagram – a revised diagram will be distributed
Beth – Add FAQs on cascading effects of RM, RA, RI, & Validation & Verification
Agenda Bashing
No changes
Final press release from LFN | GSMA promoting Botrange will be released on Monday September 23.
LFN will be meeting with GSMA to discuss future marketing strategies
Technology Update
RM | RA progress nearing 100% - Botrange will be finalized and published on 9/20
First pull request from a vendor received on 9/18
CNTT Repository statistics reviewed – 189 unique visitors with over 9K views in the past two weeks!
Congratulations to Rabi, Chapter Leads, and all contributors on Botrange!!
RI & RC Updates
Milestone: OPNFV TSC approved the CNTT RI project proposal on 9/17
Chapter 8 – initial pass of test case reviews have been completed
Spirent identified test cases they can contribute to the existing test suite
Lab Requirements: Compute nodes were increased from 4 to 10 to accommodate VNF flavor requirements
Open Issue: Lab Requirements – will the labs be 1) dedicated CNTT labs, 2) Labs as a Service, or an OPNFV community lab
Recommendation is a community lab
Need to review and/or update Pharos Project requirements to support CNTT
Further discussions will occur in Antwerp with decisions
Antwerp Updates | Open Logistical Items
Un-conferences – Refer to highlighted areas on slides 10-12 in the attached material
CNTT F2F Attendance – Registrations will be accepted up to workshop start time, as capacity allows – REGISTER HERE
Count as of 9/16 was 52 – expected to grow
Walk-ins will be accepted, based on capacity – Heather will follow-up to determine how that will be handled
Registration vs. attendance results will be evaluated post-Antwerp to determine necessary change
30 minutes remain open during the Day 2 session (12:30PM) – may be used as a buffer
Note takers | mic runners – Presenters can ask for volunteers each session
Open Item: Power to the seating areas (Heather | Jim will follow-up)
FAQs will be posted to agenda wiki on 9/22
Beth will add FAQs RE: cascading effects of RM, RA, RI, Verification & Validation
Mark to modify FAQ: Why do we need CNTT? A: Identify Defend Known Arguments to CNTT)? ** Complete **