20191212 - [CNTT - GOV] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
Call for Topic Proposals (Gaps & Path Forward): Proposed Topics - Gaps & Path Forward.pdf
CNTT Agenda: CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop, Prague, Czech Republic
LFN Master Calendar: 2019 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule
Technical Status: CNTT_Status_2019-12-12.pptx
RI_RC Status: CNTT_Weekly_Goverance - Final (FIX input 12Dec2019).pptx
@Mark Cottrell
@Rick Tennant (AT&T)
@Mark Shostak (AT&T)
@vincent.danno@orange.com (Orange)
@Michael Fix
@Pankaj.Goyal (AT&T)
@Rabi Abdel
@Heather Kirksey (LF)
@Ulrich Kleber (Huawei)
@Jörg Aelken (Ericsson) (Ericsson)
@Karine Sevilla (Orange)
@Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
@Jonne Soininen (Nokia)
@Rajamani, Rajesh (Spirent)
@Jim Baker (LF)
@Kelvin Edmison (Nokia)
@Ahmed El Sawaf (STC)
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
@Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
@speedwyre (AT&T)
Agenda Topics:
Anti-Trust Policies
Walk-On Items - Agenda Bashing
VNF Vendor (ONAP Focused) Testing attending Prague
Identify two VNF type that could be trialed via a generic OpenStack on ONAP during the LFN event
Holiday Schedule Changes
Dec. 19th Gov Call
Dec. 26th Gov Call - No call proposed
Jan. 2nd Gov Call - No call proposed
GSMA & LFN Updates @Heather Kirksey @Jisu Park
Governance Work Streams
CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Prague, January 13-16, 2020
Register Here
Agenda Review
Overall Status @Rabi Abdel
CIRV - OPNFV @Michael Fix @Qiao Fu
Governance Work streams Overall Status @Mark Cottrell
Parking Lot
Kubecon readout
Walk On Items
Request from VNF Testbed organizers. Are their any Vendors on the call who can participate? Can recommend / name two VNFs to bring and try?
Proposal to cancel Dec. 26th and Jan. 2nd calls. Consensus agreed to this.
GSMA & LFN Updates
CNTT Prague F2F
Reviewed Gaps and Path forward doc. See changes and proposed path forward.
RM Ops and RM Com merge with RM Core session
RA1 merge with RA1 Core discussion.
Reviewed Latest CNTT specific Agenda. LFN has a master agenda on which all CNTT session will also be also.
LFN All hands event "Cross-Community Roadmap Review" 4pm-5:30pm Day 3, CNTT should send reasonable contingent.
Will include focus on dependencies across roadmaps.
Day 4 folks focuses on Governance.
Action Item - @Rick Tennant Confirm people willing to facilitate. Doodle poll to confirm other planning to stay for it.
Governance important and will impact success of CNTT if we don't get participation and effort.
By Monday the LFN 'master' calendar will be populated so folks can begin planning their schedules.
Action Item - @Jim Baker will send out template for presentations.
Action Item - @Jim Bakerto send out latest registration numbers.
So far, 51 registrants from CNTT
Additional event schedules: by end of Prague event, should be announcing June/July event date. 4 day event.
After Prague will be 2-day workshop collocated with ONS. Action Item - @speedwyre put this event on LFN and other ONS even June/July (time and place to be announced)
Technology @Rabi Abdel
Reviewed attached status preso.
Each "generation" will have a definition. Similar work being done on CNCF side.
Reviewed deck.
VNF Vendors attending Prague, need volunteers for VNF Testing Challenge.
Need to get VNF Vendors familiar with tool chain, start VNF onboarding journey, understand the tool chain.
Maybe useful to have smaller roundtable to discuss challenging barriers for Vendors.
Is the main idea to try the test tooling? Well, would be awesome to come out of Prague with VNF compliance with ONAP.
@Heather Kirksey - looking to ensure vendors are early in the process from an Agile perspective.
@Mark Cottrell - we need some friendly VNF companies. Large, Tier 2, 3, to help us trial and harden up the certification process.
Need to address the chicken and egg issue of whether it is adding value or not. So looking to try to back into process.
Need to have confidence can say CNTT certified VNF adds true value on Day 1.
Action Item - discuss Friendly trial VNF community partners in Prague (possibly day 4)
@Jonne Soininen - need to figure out what type of VNF would make sense (to start with as 'friendly')
CNTT Technical F2F Work Shop - Key Updates:
Agenda has been updated to align with the LFN 2019 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule
Includes "Welcome, breaks, lunch, and most "All Hands Events (exception Day 3)"
Overall CNTT schedule layout:
Day 1 & 2 - CNTT Plenary Sessions: Community & Work Stream Updates, Key Topics, and Alignment
Day 3
CNTT Technical Breakout Sessions
CNTT Structure Working Session (check agenda for location)
OPNFV | CNTT Joint Session (11:00 - 17:30)
Day 4 - Governance Plenary Sessions, including Recruiting, Adoption, Marketing & Communications, Business & Technical Metrics
***Community members wanting an understanding & voice in the overall community governance strategies & direction should attend these sessions***
CNTT agenda | topics will be uploaded into the 2019 Prague Developer & Testing Forum Schedule on Monday 12/16 which will serve as the master schedule going forward
CNTT agenda will remain on the CNTT page to attach materials, provide zoom links, etherpad, and other information
Facilitators will be contacted via email to confirm topic ownership (organize, prepare materials, etc.) - template will be provided for material.