Plugfest Planning (VNF Hacking Track)
- Webinar tomorrow (October 22):
- Plugfest schedule (including ONAP DDF and CNTT), January 13-16, 2020, in Prague.
VNF Testing Demos
- Documentation is located here: https://wiki.onap.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=68546123
- All tests are run from kubecontrol kubectl on a local host, scripts take care of copying the VNF being tested over to the ONAP container instances, etc.
- Will be part of the El Alto release (sign off expected this week by ONAP TSC).
OVP Release Planning
NFVI Submission
- Need to handle the technical review process this week .(reviewers look for email from Lincoln)
- Will handle the final review / publishing next week (October
Any other business
- Sharing CVC / OVP board slides, still waiting on answer from LFN staff (question was asked last week).
- CVC mailing lists and call schedule - Jim Baker
- Virtual topics - scheduled to a specific week, but keeping the weekly meeting (no more meetings)
- Topics would rotate through each week
- Action Item: Rabi / Lincoln to propose a list of topics, and will bring these to next week's meeting.
- Need to update the meeting invite to make it clear it is a single, weekly meeting, with a rotating topics and other business.
- Look into possibly changing the weekly CVC call day / time for 2020. We did just discuss this topic a few months ago, and participants felt the current time was the best fit. Maybe make this part of our annual planning (i.e. setting a call schedule for each new year).
- No changes to the current email list / structure.
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