Short Description: Results of 5G RAN & xHaul PoC/PlugFest taking place December 5, 2019, and interactive discussion of next steps
- Detailed Description: O-RAN O1 interface specification, OAM architecture, and IM/UML/YANG 5G RAN & xHaul equipment, with ONAP 5G use cases, e.g., PNF Plug and Play, Bulk PM, OOF-based optimization; https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/x/egBv
- Topic Leader: Tracy Van Brakle
- Estimated Audience Size (>50):
- Interested In Attending: If you are interested in this discussion and would like to participate in it, please add your name and email here (one name/email per line please). We'll use this information when building the schedule so that we minimize overbooking people where possible.
CDS Integration with K8S workloads
Short Description: Ongoing work on integration of CDS with K8s workloads on vFW use case example & plans of further changes
- Detailed Description: TBD
- Topic Leader: Lukasz Rajewski
- Estimated Audience Size (15-30):
- Interested In Attending:
Change Management Requirements for Guilin and beyond
Short Description: The presentation will outline still existing change management problems and how to address them in Guilin release
- Detailed Description: TBD
- Topic Leader: Lukasz Rajewski Ajay MahimkarChris Rapasoli Zu Qiang
- Estimated Audience Size (15-30):
- Interested In Attending: