- Rick Tennant (AT&T)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Brian Bearden (AT&T)
- @Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
- Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Walk On Items
- Governance – Baldy Priority Items
- F2F Planning - Governance Topic Solicitation (Brian Bearden, Rick Tennant, Scot Steele)
- Baldy Priority Items without owners
- Outline/define of what is needed in initial Field Trials from RC1/OVP #1100
- Secure lab participation/capacity/diversity for initial Field Trials #1101
- Define MVP support model / structure for trials #1102
- Confirm trial participants and SPOCs #1103
- Define trial expectations, what's needed, roles & responsibilities #1104
- Trial Kickoff Meetings #1105