2020-02-18 [CNTT - GSC] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
@Rick Tennant (AT&T)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
@Brian Bearden (AT&T)
@Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
@Qiao Fu (China Mobile)
@Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
@Jisu Park (GSMA)
@Jim Baker (LF)
@speedwyre (AT&T)
@Nick Chase (Mirantis)
@PhilRobb (Ericsson)
@William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
@Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
@Scot Steele (AT&T)
Walk On Items
Governance – Baldy Priority Items
F2F Planning - Governance Topic Solicitation (Brian Bearden, Rick Tennant, Scot Steele)
Baldy Priority Items without owners
Walk On Items
Governance – Baldy Priority Items
F2F Planning - Governance Topic Solicitation (Brian Bearden, Rick Tennant, Scot Steele)
AI - Add Session for Whitepaper
AI - Increase time for MMA to 120 mins
Possibly will not do plenary session with LFN, but can still do a CNTT-only plenary.
Optional - have an introduction/newbie onboarding session depending on how many folks need it. In a parallel session.
There is additional meeting space, tables, (atrium like) places to sit in open area–bring printouts.
Baldy Priority Items without owners
"Goal" Outline/define of what is needed in initial Field Trials from RC1/OVP #1100 - @Brian Bearden
What is overall scope and requirements for Field Trial (Business perspective)
Who do we secure to do it
Define MVP Support model
Couple Operators
Verizon is ready to do this.
Couple NFVI Vendors with labs
P1 - NFVI Vendor stand up an RI, then We/They would run RC1 against it
P2 - NFV Vendor
Make these into requirements
Secure lab participation/capacity/diversity for initial Field Trials #1101
Define MVP support model / structure for trials #1102 (move into 1100)
How to help standing up with cookbook etc.
Define trial expectations, what's needed, roles & responsibilities #1104
Types of resources needed to pull this off.
Overall project management
Vendor contacts
SME for RC1
SME for RI1
RC1 running against RI1 is what is needed from OPNFV - need OPNFV lead
Project plan with major milestones
Detail on what is expected (Nick can assist in ensuring expectations are met)
R1 stoop up in community lab, run RC1 against (what made sense? what didn't make sense? did the conformance suite work to test it?) kinda like a smoke test on CNTT community infra
RI1 stood up in Vendor lab, run RC1 against their own infra and give feedback (what made sense? what didn't make sense? did the conformance suite work to test it?)
VNF Vendor could come a try to stand up against both
Key Concern: Vendors concerned about optics. Needs to be a partnership with community to ensure what happens to results, who will have access to results, etc. Publishing rights. Etc. Provide a badge, so community would publish who owned the badge but not show necessarily what was passed. E.g. 85% passed = allotment of badge but not show results to all.
Need to validate RI and RC suite makes sense.
Action - Need to clarify with vendors what we will share and what won't be shared as they are concerned about sharing the results.
They could run RC1 themselves and give us feedback on their results.
When results announced "Successfully implemented on RI, RC test passed, we used XYZ vendor, and passed it.
OPNFV current badge link: https://nfvi-verified.lfnetworking.org/#/
Work Items assigned to MMA
Press Releases around Pre-Launch Trials #1086 Nick Chase
Messaging Discovery & Execution #1087 Nick Chase
Execute interviews and gather feedback #1090 Nick Chase
Get commitments interview senior/vp level business owners #1089 Nick Chase
Analyze and align messaging #1091 Nick Chase
Integrate Confluence and Groups.Io data (governance) #1092 Jonathan Beltran
Engagement Metrics (Scope, Design, Rollout) #1093 Jonathan Beltran
VNF Onboarding journey touchpoints #1095 Jonathan Beltran
Operator additional info data points #1096 Jonathan Beltran
Develop Benchmarks for Pre-launch Trials #1097 Jonathan Beltran