2019-12-10 [CNTT - CSO] - Agenda & Meeting Minutes
@Mark Cottrell
@Rick Tennant (AT&T)
@Jim Baker
@speedwyre (AT&T)
@Toshi Wakayama
@William DIEGO (Orange)
@Zhiqiang Yu (China Mobile)
Acknowledge GSMA and LNF Terms of Reference @ INACTIVE- Cloud iNfrastructure Telco Taskforce - CNTT
Agenda Bashing - Review WIP Metrics Work Stream Work
Review and discuss progress on Structure Action Item List per link
Structure Doc review
Need to be complete before Prague Jan 13, 2020
Voting - requires active contributions - 1 vote per company
AI (Jonathan, Jim, Rick) Need method | dashboard to share company voting status with the community based on approved set of criteria
AI (Rick, Jim) Need working session in Prague to discuss structure document details with members F2F
Logistically able to support dedicated as well as ad-hoc sessions on this topic (breakout or un-conference session)
(Jim) – Would be beneficial to test out voting mechanism or process prior to formal implementation
Business and Technical metrics
First round of metrics developed (14) - looking to the Governance and other workstreams for review/feedback
LFN Developer Analytics (new tool) targeted for delivery and trial by CNTT in January 2020
AI - (Jim) - Will investigate demonstration of the tool in Prague as a breakout session