- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Georg Kunz (Ericsson Software Technology)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Overview of previous agreements 10 min
- Agreed on Reduced scope on proposal materials for August 19th LFN GB meeting
- 3 Slides: Description, Work Product and interfaces, High level timeline. See attached Template file: CNTT_FMO Option Template Short version.pptx
- Meetings Schedule can be found here: FMO Schedule
- LFN GB will make final decision when they deem appropriate
- Timeline Discussion will be to determine what can be presented to the LFN GB on 19 Aug
- Agreed on Reduced scope on proposal materials for August 19th LFN GB meeting
- Status on proposals 10 min
- CNTT as a formal LFN project
- Walter.kozlowski Scott Steinbrueck Beth Cohen -
- Status?
- Next Meeting?
- Walter.kozlowski Scott Steinbrueck Beth Cohen -
- CNTT and OPNFV Merge
- CNTT as an LFN Committee (Similar to CVC and EUAG)
- Beth Cohen Nick Chase -
- Status?
- Next meeting?
- Beth Cohen Nick Chase -
- CNTT as a formal LFN project
- Time frames 10 Min
- Projecting dates for Reviews/
- Open Discussion/Concerns
- Option Costs