2020-07-31 [CNTT - GSC] - FMO Discussion
2020-07-31 [CNTT - GSC] - FMO Discussion
- Definition of Consensus
- Structure of Consensus Building in Communities
- 5 steps making community decisions without consensus
- Disagree and Commit Definition
- Topic: CNTT FMO Date: Jul 31, 2020 06:56 Pacific Time (US and Canada) Meeting Recording: https://zoom.us/rec/share/vu0yIpz09XhJUNLN7X3ta4BiENT3X6a81iRIrvMLn0ugE3fNu90CTUz8HX-SzRWZ
- Scot Steele (AT&T)
- Beth Cohen (Verizon)
- Georg Kunz (Ericsson Software Technology)
- Walter.kozlowski (Telstra)
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
- William DIEGO (Orange) (Orange)
- Toshi Wakayama (KDDI)
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Overview of previous agreements 10 min
- Agreed on Reduced scope on proposal materials for August 19th LFN GB meeting
- 3 Slides: Description, Work Product and interfaces, High level timeline. See attached Template file: CNTT_FMO Option Template Short version.pptx
- Meetings Schedule can be found here: FMO Schedule
- LFN GB will make final decision when they deem appropriate
- Timeline Discussion will be to determine what can be presented to the LFN GB on 19 Aug
- Agreed on Reduced scope on proposal materials for August 19th LFN GB meeting
- Status on proposals 10 min
- CNTT as a formal LFN project
- Walter.kozlowski Scott Steinbrueck Beth Cohen -
- Status - Nearly completed.
- Next Meeting - August 3
- Objective is to be completed by end of that meeting.
- Walter.kozlowski Scott Steinbrueck Beth Cohen -
- CNTT and OPNFV Merge
- Al Morton Jim Baker Qiao Fu IldikoGeorg Kunz Sridhar Rao Scott Steinbrueck Beth Cohen Lincoln Lavoie William DIEGO (Orange)
- https://wiki.opnfv.org/display/meetings/Merger+Option+-+August+Governing+Board+input
- Status - Developing proposal, hope to be able to share the proposal on august 14.
- Next meeting Aug 4th
- Objective: Work to get CNTT perspective.
- Al Morton Jim Baker Qiao Fu IldikoGeorg Kunz Sridhar Rao Scott Steinbrueck Beth Cohen Lincoln Lavoie William DIEGO (Orange)
- CNTT as an LFN Committee (Similar to CVC and EUAG)
- Beth Cohen Nick Chase -
- Status - Complete
- No meeting needed
- Beth Cohen Nick Chase -
- CNTT as a formal LFN project
- Time frames 10 Min
- Projecting dates for reviews
- CNTT as a Committee - August 7
- CNTT as A formal project - August 7
- CNTT/OPNFV merging - 8/14
- Jim Baker and Scot Steele will prepare the presentation materials for GB meeting, should be able to have the time needed.
- Arpit Would like to preview documents, Jim will review time line with him.
- Projecting dates for reviews
- Open Discussion/Concerns
- Option Costs
- Scot Steele and Jim Baker - Costs may not be substantially different from option to option, Staff and Tech support will be the main components. It is important to be sure that the costs are accounted for, (which they are not right now). As a non profit, audits are a concern. Jim Bakerand Scot Steelewill continue to work on these issues.
- Open discussion
- Beth Cohen - Initial pass on presentation, does the proposal need to be 3 slides? Scot Steele not if all the points are covered, suggest speaker notes in the 1 slide should be fine.
- Question on Streams. Both 1 and 2 streams are included in the proposal. CNTT to develop specifications while ONPFV implements/validates
- Must consider the Ecosystem, not just individual teams
- Trevor Cooper all options must address the work, how it's getting done. "must address how the whole sausage is made" Beth Cohen concurred, there is a body of work exists and we need to address the body in the proposals, need to define
- Scot Steele Posited that that work is needed and may come after the GB makes a decision, For certain GB will provide direction.
- Qiao Fu We have to consider how the work will be governed. The board wants to see how we will manage going forward, regardless of the proposal. We have to show how the work will be successful, need to be collaborative, and people work in a good way.
- Scot Steele Work Product and Interfaces was to address this issue.
- Georg Kunz Can we understand what are the concerns of CNTT about the merging option
- CNTT is not a development group, they are architects and engineers. Concerned that they do not have developers to bring to the community
- Scot Steele CNTT represents the voice of the Operators
- Gergely Csatari - Writing isnt a given, Beth Cohen Understood, its a perception issue.
- Qiao Fu Issue of operator voice is a valid concern, and we must address the need for resources on the development side as well
- Prakash Ramchandran must have the labs for RI-1 and RI-2, Where is that to be addressed? And we need intern costs to be able to bring to the completion. Scot Steele We need to be sure address, UNH is onboard with provide labs, and a new IaaS provider
- Trevor Cooper - Labs from the the beginning of OPNFV - Was part of the participating companies investment. Labs are expensive to setup/admin. Important to address how we have and maintain labs. Scot Steele We should be considering attracting other service provider type of members. Prakash Ramchandran We should ask the service provider members now.
- Ildiko CNTT as a separate entity options are not accounting for the development of specifications as the Merger option does, so we should ask those teams to address.
- Prakash Ramchandran - Do we need to continue CNTT? it was a short term taskforce. Beth Cohen Discussed that the leadership has changed and the need for CNTT work products are a gap that must be continue to be filled.
- Walter.kozlowski discussed the Eco system needs to be supported - Example, ODIM is needing CNTT support as a new project in LFN now.
- Option Costs
, multiple selections available,