2020-06-09 [CNTT - GSC] - FMO Discussion
@Scot Steele (AT&T)
Topics: (Notes)
Anti-Trust Policies:
Agreement Validation/finalization on remediation for Gaps, Issues, Scope between CNTT/OPNFV (30 min)
Review of 3 options under consideration for Future Mode
CNTT becomes a formal LFN TAC Project
CNTT operates as a Committee operating under LFN GB
Merge the Specifications function of CNTT into OPNFV
@Jonne Soininen - Need to recognize becoming a project is multi-step process and takes time
@Jim Baker - Does any of the options limit participation - need to research.
@Cédric Ollivier - As a project you must contribute Code
Action Item: further review to occur on Thursday 6/11 Gov Call.
Current Mode OPNFV/CNTT Gaps/Issues/Scope Definition
@Scott Steinbrueck - Documentation Proposal
Agreements reached on:
RA-1 is the requirements and specs
RI-1 is an example implementation (“example” word is used because no company is required to follow this exact lab setup / installer approach – it’s an example)
RC-1 is a test conformance suite
Friday 6/12 Meeting will continue proposal discussion.