2020-07-21 [CNTT - GSC] - FMO Discussion
@Scot Steele (at&t)
@Beth Cohen (Verizon)
@Tom Van Pelt (Deactivated) (GSMA)
@Scott Steinbrueck
@Rabi Abdel
@Al Morton
@Ahmed El Sawaf
@Georg Kunz
@Nick Chase
@Sridhar Rao
@srinath Reddy
@Jim Baker
@Toshi Wakayama
@Prakash Ramchandran
@JN Naphade
Anti-Trust Policies:
Identify The Subteams to work on options proposals
CNTT Merges with OPNFV
Volunteers are needed, should include OPNFV as well as CNTT (CIRV??)
@Al Morton will nominate some people after discussing with them.
@Rabi Abdel to address on TSC call Wed 7-22
CNTT as an LFN Committee (Similar to CVC and EUAG)
Need Volunteers OR Is this a viable option?
@Beth Cohen is interested in working on this option
@Nick Chase Also interested
@Scot Steele to setup call.
Discuss/Define timelines for proposal reviews
CNTT as a separate LFN project - July 30th?
CNTT merges with OPNFV - August 7th?
CNTT as a an LFN committee - No later than August 14th ??
@Al Morton expressed concern about getting the CNTT merges with OPNFV proposal completed by august 7th