Please add your name below: Name (Company) :
Beth Cohen (Verizon)
Agenda and Minutes:
- Recording
- Anti-Trust Policies:
- Agenda Bashing
- Conferences and Presentations:
- 2020 October Virtual Technical Event Topic Proposals#2020OctoberVirtualTechnicalEventTopicProposals-Plenary:CNTTEdgeWorkstreamupdates
- -- Walter added a workstream session CNTT next release and beyond, will have Edge components. Ahmed put in one for the Edge workstream. We asked for 2 hours. Will cover more content faster from more people. Covers planning and updates both at the same.
- Was NOT accepted: Presentation submitted for the Open Infrastructure Summit on https://cfp.openstack.org/app/presentations/24569/summary Better Together Edge: Building Cross Community Consensus
- CNTT Technical Webinar Topics
- PTG (October 26 - 30) - https://www.openstack.org/ptg/
- OSF Edge Computing Group sessions: https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/ecg-vptg-october-2020 – Please fill in your interests in the Etherpad to drive the discussions.
- 2020 October Virtual Technical Event Topic Proposals#2020OctoberVirtualTechnicalEventTopicProposals-Plenary:CNTTEdgeWorkstreamupdates
- Technical
- Conferences and Presentations:
- liaison
- Do we need it right now (Y/N)
- LF-Edge -akraino : Presentation about Akraino Edge work and how it can fit with this workstream, also talk about other LFEdge Projects
- OpenStack - StarlingX :
- GSMA - LFN joint meeting to discuss mutual work, will probably be more that will come back into the Edge CNTT group. GSMA has two working groups, Requirements (Specs for Telco Edge Clouds) and Trials (Commercialization of the Edge, work between vendors and Telecos) groups. – Need to make sure that two groups are in alignment.
- TIP : update , we have a meeting with TIP& FB
- O-RAN = WG 6 – Had one meeting before Rabi left. Ahmed is working to pick it up again.
- ONAP – Maybe for the TSC rather than just Edge. How would we consume ONAP differently at the Edge?
- CNCF – KubeEdge,
- Do we need it right now (Y/N)
- liaison