- Discussion on 5G Core- Magma TSC is looking at a dual core approach, with the 2nd core being Free5GC or OAI. Recommendations have been put forth that 5G SBP should wait on a core decision until this is sorted out.
- Magma
- Magma TSC is looking at a dual core approach, with the 2nd core being Free5GC or OAI
- Free5GC
- Open5GS
- Reference: Lab Architecture Draft
- Meeting Cadence and Next Meeting - June 6, 11:30am EST
Action Items:
- 5G SBP: ORAN SMO Package - Combining multiple open sources into an E2E package @martialNgueko(AT&T) - provide documentation/code links to
- LJ Illuzzicreate Use Cae wiki and Use Case submission template
- Test case for "New" Use Case
- Test case for "Existing" Use Case