5G SBP Governance & Technical Steering Committee

5G SBP Governance & Technical Steering Committee

Technical Steering Committe (TSC)

The role of the 5G SBP Technical Steering Committee (TSC) is to provide technical guidance to project contributers to enable 5G SBP integration projects to be realized as demonstrable proof-of-concepts. This may include identifying Use Cases, help develop requirements, align platform components, and provide expertise on open source components. The TSC is the top decision making body for the overall 5G SBP project intiative and sub-projects.


Adding TSC Members

5G SBP TSC self-nomination/nominations are open in perpetuity. Any project contributor who wishes to be on the TSC may nominate themself or someone else. Please contact lilluzzi@linuxfoundation.org. When a nomination is received a vote of the current TSC members will take place. A majority vote is needed for resolution to pass.

TSC Elections


Technical Steering Committee Representatives:








Coran Labs

@Muddasar Ahmed *


@Lincoln Lavoie 

University of New Hamphire, InterOperability Laboratory

@Ganesh Narayan (Deactivated)


*current TAC seat representing 5G SBP


TAC Representative: TBD**

**The current 5G SBP TAC seat will be converted to a project representative upon acceptance of the 5G SBP as an LFN project. Nominations for TAC seat will open, followed by a TSC vote.

Removal of TSC Members

To request removal of a TSC member open a motion should be raised during a regularly scheduled TSC meeting.  Existing TSC members can request their own removal from the TSC at any time and the matter will be taken up in the next TSC meeting. The person will then be removed as a TSC member. If there is a proposed replacement for the member leaving, they should be mentioned in the removal issue. The proposed replacement member should raise a motion as per the Adding TSC Members section (above). 

Removal of a TSC member can be requested by other TSC members or from the community with a description on why they should be removed listed in the issue. Examples of reasons for removal could be lack of activity of that TSC member for a prolonged period of time. Requests for removal will be discussed in the next regularly scheduled TSC meeting and a date will be determined for a vote on the membership removal.


How people come to fill project roles: Community nomination/self-nomination followed by TSC vote 

How people are removed from project roles: Community nomination/self-nomination followed by TSC vote

How disputes are definitively resolved (usually by majority vote): Majority TSC vote

How governance evolves over time:  The community can raise motions to evolve governance and the TSC will vote on the motion. If approved governance documentation is updated.

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