How do we reach out to other communites and promote participation in the 5G Super Blueprint?
Running Notes:
Sylvia/5G SBP alignment (Aug LFN Board meeting)
How do we reach out to other communities?
Add table of projects and capabilities. Find intersects with community project capabilies and 5G SBP project capabilities. Add communty TSC chairs/contacts, architecture leads. Louis Illuzzi create Outreach wiki
Get TAC input
What capabilities exist?
What avenues are available for outreach?
Reach out to Use Case/architect/TSCs teams. Present 5G SBP overview and benefits
messaging- hackathon-like
Leverage events more- develop a promo package
LFN Projects and Capabilities:
Capabilities | Nephio | Anuket | ONAP | ODL | FD.io | L3AF | XGVela | CNTi | Paraglider | Sylva |