ONAP and EMCO Alignment
The purpose and goal of the ONAP and EMCO Leadership Team is the alignment of ONAP and EMCO with respect to Magma integration, with clearly defined roles for each platform within the 5G Super Blueprint, such that both work in synergy where the strengths of each is realized and deliver value.
Mar 15, 2022
Material from March DTF: https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/kErv
Mar 10, 2022 Meeting not recorded
@Srinivasa Addepalli | Intel |
@Bob Monkman (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Eric Multanen (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Igor Duarte Cardoso (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Ritu Sood (Deactivated) | Intel |
@Sharad Mishra | Intel |
@Lukasz Rajewski | Orange |
@cl664y@att.com | AT&T |
@Ranny Haiby | Samsung |
@Kenny Paul | LFN |
@David McBride | LFN |
@Brandon Wick | LFN |
@LJ Illuzzi | LFN |
March 14-15 DTF Logistics:
Calendar with Zoom links: https://teamup.com/ksgw6qzqcmg9zbzsfq?date=2022-03-14&view=md2
Bob provided readout of updates to DTF topics including high level ONAP and EMCO Use Cases (Day 2 session): https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/eEnv
Srini review updated joint ONAP/EMCO alignment proposal slides that include both ONAP and EMCO inputs.
Slide updates made during discussion including placeholder slides for questions the community comes up with that need to be answered and for outlining phases of integration that we can brainstorm and flesh out over time , and emailed to the team.
Catherine introduced the idea of EMCO/O-RAN alignment. The SMO is an entity defined by O-RAN and it has the O2 interface to the O-Cloud. https://wiki.o-ran-sc.org/display/OAM/SMO+-+Service+Management+and+Orchestration
Mar 2, 2022 Meeting Recording and Chat
Catherine Lefevre | AT&T |
Igor DC | Intel |
Ranny Haiby | Samsung |
Sundar Nadathur | Intel |
Igor DC | Intel |
Ritu Stood | Intel |
Srini Addepalli | Intel |
Bob Monkman | Intel |
Eric Multanen | Intel |
Cathy Zhang | Intel |
Lukasz RAJEWSKI | Orange |
David McBride | LFN |
Louis Illuzzi | LFN |
Brandon Wick | LFN |
Kenny Paul | LFN |
Catherine shared proposal of ONAP vision and messaging with respect to LFN ecosystem
Need to come up with other edge management name for EMCO. Need to avoid the name "Smart Edge" which is an Intel commercial product. Proposal to call it something along the lines of "Kubernetes Infrastructure". May need to consult with XGVela community on labeling of functions.
Discussion on how to implement the joint vision between ONAP and EMCO
Identify particular roles for ONAP and EMCO across use cases. It is recommended that by default ONAP and EMCO are complimentary platforms within a particular use case.
Identified need for an over arching 5G Super Blueprint requirments committee to define use case requirments, problem statements, etc.
Case in point- Network Slicing. All platforms within the 5G SBP must understand the concept of network slicing for it to work in the overall solution.
Identified need for a comprehensive end-to-end architecture and flow of the ONAP and EMCO platforms within the 5G SBP.
Proposed ONAP/EMCO Use Cases (as a starting point):
Private 5G Network
Dedicated Slicing- can be visually shown using a drone (IoT aspect).
Next Meeting:
March 10
Feb 3, 2022 Meeting Recording and Chat
Amar Kapadia | Aarna Networks |
Bob Monkman | Intel |
Catherine Lefevre | AT&T |
Eric Multanen | Intel |
Igor DC | Intel |
Ritu Sood | Intel |
Kenny PAUL | LFN |
Louis Illuzzi | LFN |
David McBride | LFN |
Brandon Wick | LFN |
Heather Kirksey | LFN |
Discussion on concerns and the need for alignment between ONAP and EMCO in the 5G Super Blueprint.
Discussed the origins and background of the US Navy Use Cases.
The potential shifting of specific sub-projects between ONAP and EMCO were mentioned.
Agreement on the need for alignment, with clearly defined roles for each platform within the 5G Super Blueprint.
Next Steps:
1. Develop an architecture and end-to-end flow that realizes the stated goals - Catherine has lead on 1st draft
2. Review architecture and end-to-end flow among the ONAP and EMCO Leadership Team
3. When a baseline is set then both ONAP and EMCO TSC's will review
4. ONAP and EMCO Leadership Team provide readouts from respective TSCs