01-21-25 - 5G SBP Bi-Weekly Status Meeting
Meeting Recording
Meeting Zoom Link:
Meeting start time: 1600 UTC
Please enter your name and company. Tag yourself using LF ID User Name. Don't have an LF ID yet? Go here: https://myprofile.lfx.linuxfoundation.org/.
Name | Company |
@LJ Illuzzi | Linux Foundation |
@Muddasar Ahmed | MITRE |
@Ganesh Narayan (Deactivated) | Infosys |
@Denise Barton | Aether |
@eric aquaronne | Anylog |
Reminder to sign in on attendance table
Welcome 1st Time Attendees
TSC Updates
Project Updates
Upcoming Meetings
Any Other Business
LF Anti-trust
Welcome 1st Time Attendees
Welcome all. new attendees. If you have any questions about participating in this community, please contact Louis Illuzzi (lilluzzi@linuxfoundation.org).
5G Super Blueprint Overview and Getting Started
TSC Updates
Jan 20, 2025 TSC meeting was canceled in observance of Martin Luther King Day in the US.
@Ganesh Narayan (Deactivated) Catalog of 5G SPB, catagorized by domains, capabilities, example ORAN, Security, IoT, etc. Update/ Catagorize Use Case page & Library. Add metadata. Highlight capabilities. How to automate. How to use AI.
Next TSC Meeting Feb 3, 2025 , 7am PT/11am ET, https://zoom-lfx.platform.linuxfoundation.org/meeting/96312795073?password=f9f7ab55-a030-49ce-9b95-5b12fc4ef1cb
Meeting is open to all.
TSC self-nomination/nominations are open in perpetuity. Contributors of current integration projects are encouraged to join the TSC, at least for the time while there project is in development, to help guide the program. Potential to combine TSC and bi-weekly status call.
Upcoming Events
Open Networking & Edge Summit, hosted at EXCEL London on Monday, March 31. This is the same venue where KubeCon + CloudNativeCon EU will take place, beginning April 1.
This is a business/strategy focused event with a 100% curated agenda
8am - 5 pm
Separate registration from KubeCon
Cloud Native Telco Day, officially a KubeCon + CloudNativeCon co-located event on Tuesday, April 1, at EXCEL London
Developer / tech focused
Add-on to KubeCon registration
Project Updates:
https://lf-networking.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MACJDQ - Led by UNH-IOL
Next Steps:
Opportunity for Accuknox to contribute security attributes (@Raj to bring internal).@Muddasar Ahmed to reach out to Rajul
What is required from Accuknox? What are the benefits? @Muddasar Ahmed . Muddasar spoke with Rahul. Pending @Rahul assessment.
Look at HEXAeBPF. What is the fit? eUPF? @SHANKAR MALIK to review test bed proposal
Add Backlog (Nephio) to Use Case for tracking purposes @Lincoln Lavoie
Add Roadmap section @Lincoln Lavoie
Setup a recurring separate project meeting or use this meeting?
Keep on the Tuiesday bi-weekly status meeting.
Project overview:
Joint LFN/LF Edge Use Case- Application Centric Connectivity
Updates and Current work items
Outreach Messaging is completed
Goals- abstract the capabilites and benefits in a language that anybody in enterprise networking, telco, or service provider, would say “That’s relevant to my business”, to recruit contributors and end users of the solution.
Initial communication plan for Outreach messaging is drafted: individual outreach, TSC presentations
Next meeting Jan 28, 2025 meeting logistics
1700 UTC / 9am PT / 12noon ET
Nephio + 5GSBP
Security goals discussed with the LFN TAC (from SECOM)
TAC security hardening efforts
Bring in Amy for feedback
Nephio road show (what is the pitch?, What are the alignment points?). Can 5G SBP efforts be included in Nephio on a permanent basis? What permanent features can be included in Nephio?
Next Steps:
Action Items:
@LJ Illuzzi Create a 5G SBP Use Case Page
Develop a pitch/discussion points. Reference: Library and existing Use Cases in flight.
@LJ Illuzzi get on a Nephio TSC agenda
Nephio SIG looking at ambient MESH, and and also to see if they can incorpate spiffe workload identity.
Next Steps for the SIG-
Define what architecture they will follow
Determine if it can provide security use case using Nephio to orchestrate security controls, meaning they can deploy the proxy. And can deploy the ambient mesh, or it can deploy on spire server and agent.
Action Item: @Muddasar Ahmed to reach out to the security group for update and applicability to 5G SBP.
Look at Nephio Backlog/roadmap for capability deliveries
Nephio is a potential phase 2 in the CI/CD/CT testbed (UNH)
Intent Driven Orchestration for an Autonomous 5G Network - Leads- Keguang He (China Mobile)/Praveen Kumar Kalapatapu (Infosy)
@Ganesh Narayan (Deactivated) reached out to Keguang on 01/07 for updates and requested a meeting.
Next meeting is TBD
Aether Blueprints - Cross Promotion
Next Steps:
Cross-promotion / cross-reference.
Proposal to link Aether Blueprints on Library page.
Action Item: @LJ Illuzzi to contact Larry Peterson (Aether TST chair) to discuss cross promotion and HEXAeBPF inclusion. (LJ, Larry, Ranny, Jennifer, Shankar).
Reference Aether Blueprints presentation from 09/03- Aether-Blueprints.pdf
HEXAeBPF/QORE: Quantumized 5G Core
Muddasar- HEXAeBPF have post quantum crypto safe implementation where they use the new standards to update the cryptographic implementation for ran and code. Are these or will these be open source, and would they be interested in bringing this to the 5G SBP.
@SHANKAR MALIK → Yes, we have migrated 5G Core to Post Quantum Core and it is a separate project that we have, i.e. called QORE: Quantumized 5G Core. This can be an interesting project to migrate it into HEXAeBPF. We can plan this in our roadmap in the future releases.
Proposal to presentation on QORE: Quantumized 5G Core to the LFN TAC, ONAP, Nephio?
Lessons Learned
@SHANKAR MALIK to talk to team and update. Shankar ready to meet with TAC and will share ppt by Feb 4, 2025
What is the ask to the TAC? Request cryptography from each project.
Upcoming Meetings
Jan 28, 2025 Project update on Application Centric Connectivity, 1700 UTC
Feb 3, 2025 TSC Meeting
Feb 4, 2025 Bi-weekly Status Review meeting
Any Other Business
----- Back Burner Projects ---------
Sylvia/5G SBP alignment (Aug LFN Board meeting)
How do we reach out to other communities?
Add table of projects and capabilities. Find intersects with community project capabilies and 5G SBP project capabilities. Add community TSC chairs/contacts, architecture leads.
Get TAC input
What capabilities exist?
What avenues are available for outreach?
Reach out to Use Case/architect/TSCs teams. Present 5G SBP overview and benefits
messaging- hackathon-like
Leverage events more- develop a promo package
Lab in a box - parked this until CI/CD/CT Open Source O-RAN Testbed takes form
UNH is targeting integration testing
Tie into Aether Blueprints
Potential for a "Core in a Box" -can benefit 5G/6G research
Next Steps:
User Story- 5G Researcher can deploy 5G Core and 5G RAN in one day. The more scripting that can be included the less setup time needed by research team.
Licensing- as components are identified consult with LF Legal for "In a box" usage.
Marketing opportunity (Aarna and UNH)
Orchestration of OAI Core and Amarisoft gNB with Nephio - Yogen/Vikas (Aarna Networks)
Next Steps:
Evolve to Nephio
(Yogen) New project requirements/gaps- Configure controller with default radio values such that radios have default parameters settings such that they can start radiating immediately.
Nephio using Free5GC core and working on OAI. ONE Summit demo shows Open5GS (Lincoln)
Is there collaboration opportunity with new UNH project?
Simplified E2E Network Slicing -Yogen (Aarna)
Simplified Slicing repo; use Aarna repo for now
Bring in OAI stack
Next Steps:
5G SBP: Orchestration of OAI Core and Amarisoft gNB with EMCO
Slice selection within Edge Site Selection and Placement use case
Any other roadmapped items?
SABRES: Slice Selection, Path Validation, Multiparty Management - Lincoln Thurlow. (USC/ICI)
Agreement with the Linux Foundation has ended
All code commited to LF repos will remain intact and continue to be updated through at least Sept2024
Open source license is BSD3
A demo on Constraint-based search is created; needs legal approval to make available
Lumen technologies will act as distributor
What existing capabiliites can be included/added to the 5G Super Blueprint Library? Constraint-based search, demo
Next Steps:
Improve algorithms for constraint based search
Path validation with a different proof algorithm to improve the performance
Inclusion into 5G SBP Library
Scope: Constraint-based search, Can be done where RAN and other resources are deployed on a 5G network. If there are any contraints, for example disk space or CPU latency, and have a placement problem, thats where SABREs shines. The demo shows constraint-based search
Legal approval is needed to release the demo
--------- Reference material below --------
Page opened for viewing- send comments to lilluzzi@linuxfoundation.org
Proposal to add a column for higher level network function associated with each entry, example; slicing, security, UPF integration, IoT (visual inspection), etc.
Marketing Plan
The goal is that each completed project get the same marketing treatment (i.e. Marketing Plan execution) where the technology is highligthed and the participants and contributing companies are recognized.
Documentation - Deliverables to the 5G SBP
From Use Case Template:
Blueprint Outputs (Suggested. Not all may apply) | check all that apply: Code repository Configuration files (e.g. Helm charts, etc.) Upstreaming to relevant projects Continuous Integration Test requirements and test results (if applicable) Documentation: Overview and Theory of Operation (i.e., what does it do?) Deployment and setup Videos demo lab setup/behind the scenes other YouTube |
Create a template for documentation collateral
Playbook-like theme
YouTube - independent of any D&TF YouTube postings, but cross-linked