- Proposal for a 5G SBP community survey.
- Purpose- to identify community skill-sets, time availability to contibute (more then just meeting attendance), interest areas, .....
- Types of questions:
- What are your interest areas in the 5G SBP?
- How does your company benefit from the 5G SBP?
- List 3 things you and/or your company would like to see the 5G SBP community accomplish in the next 12 months?
- What skill sets do you and/or your company bring to the 5G SBP?
- Can you and/or your company commit deveopment development time in the 5G SBP labs? If so quantify
- What specific contributions would you and/or your company like to make to the 5G SBP in the next 12 months?
- Establish/Re-establish permanet 5G Network capability in the labs
- Must have requirments:
- Core
- Automation
- .....
- Workplan:
- Step 1
- Task
- Technical resources needed
- Step2
- Task
- Technical resources needed
- Step 3 ....
- Step 1
- Must have requirments:
- NaaS
- Must have requirments:
- Enterprise Use Case
- ...
- Must have requirments:
- Enterprise Use Case
- Antitrust Policy
- Current Proof Point in progress: 5G SBP Use Case - Factory Floor Visual Inspection - ONE Summit Demo (November 2022)
- Looking ahead:
- Kaloom has committed to providing the 5G SBP Lab on a permanent basis.
- Potential for quarterly 5G SBP webinars. Potential Issue- webinar/Zoom fatigue; is this the right platform
- Use Cases and Placeholders
- Flush out: 5G SBP Use Case -ORAN-SC: RAN Slice SLA Assurance on 10/31 meeting
- Antitrust Policy
- Current work item: 5G SBP Use Case - Factory Floor Visual Inspection - ONE Summit Demo (November 2022)
- Use Case Wiki Clean Up