Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/92317903558
Please add your name in here:
- bill.mulligan (Loodse)
- Tom Kivlin
- Cédric Ollivier (Orange)
- Taylor Carpenter (Vulk Coop)
- Rihab Banday (Ericsson)
- David Spence (Deactivated) (Red Hat)
- Michael Pedersen (Tieto, Intel)
- jganbar (Deactivated) (VMware)
- Trevor Cooper (Intel)
- Luc Provoost (Intel)
- Al Morton (AT&T)
Agenda and Minutes
- Notice: The June 25, 1600 UTC meeting is cancelled, because of the LFN Developer Forum.
- Next regular meeting will be July 2nd at 1600 UTC
- Next week is the RC2 Deep Dive at the LFN Developer Forum - meeting time will changeThursday 12.00 UTC
- anything we specifically want to address?
- bill.mulligan to send an updated invite
- Cedric to present on shared tools from RC1
- Taylor to present Kubernetes traceability matrix and how that ties into CNF Conformance
- RC1/RC2 shared framework tool - Cédric OllivierPatric - KPIs and performance metrics
- shared CI system
- Cédric Ollivier to provide the PR and code
- Try Xtesting/XtestingCI by yourself: https://wiki.opnfv.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=32015004
virtualenv xtesting
. xtesting
git clone https:
ansible-playbook functest-xtesting-src
- Last LF session about Xtesting (Prague) http://testresults.opnfv.org/functest/cntt_rc_cookbook/
- As mentioned during a previous TSC meeting CNTT - Technical Steering, the following points already part of RC1 should be factorized in a common chapter:
- CNTT RI and RC toolchains (https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_cert/lfn/chapters/chapter02.md#211-cntt-ri-and-rc-toolchains)
- Test case integration requirements (https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_cert/lfn/chapters/chapter02.md#2.7.2)
- Testing Cookbook (https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/blob/master/doc/ref_cert/lfn/chapters/chapter04.md#43-nfvi-testing-cookbook)
- Issue Review: https://github.com/cntt-n/CNTT/projects/32#card-36881576
- Introduction Draft - any more comments before the merge
- Beta testers and contributors wanted for CNF Conformance
Action Items:
- Define what traceability means - Rabi Abdel
- bill.mulligan to send an updated invite