CNTT RC2 - Kubernetes
CNTT RC2 - Kubernetes
Slack - You can join the CNTT slack here. Join the RC2 channel for quick chats and to know when I running two minutes late from my last meeting ;)
Wiki - You can find a lot of information on the LFN wiki. In the future, you will find our meet minutes and other scratch pad things.
Mailing List - Still working on getting this set up so in the meantime please just reply all to this thread.
Github team - If you haven't yet, request to join the RC2 GitHub team. This will make it easier for us to stay organized and do @mentions. You can find the actual documentation here.
Etherpad - We used this one to set up the workstream and will use this one at the virtual event.
Meeting time - Thursdays at 16.00 UTC
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