Board Update
Anuket Assured Upcoming Release
- Anuket Assured Re-Launch Release Plan
- Revised Branding Defined
- Still in the creative process cycle, probably about 1 month to full completion.
- Revised Process & Platform Defined & Approved
- Completed - using GitLab / LF Landscapes as the tool chains. Gitlab group has been created. LF Landscape setup is TBD.
- Company Registration Process Delivered
- In progress.
- Needs review to update program names. LF Staff will need to update this in the Docusign systems.
- Result Submission Process Delivered
- Reviewer Process Delivered
- Not started yet.
- Need some volunteers to help build the tool chains to make the review process a little easier (i.e. script to check if a submitted set of results is complete).
- Documentation
- In the process of importing the original OVP documentation. Merge will need review, especially for cloud native language, etc.
- After that, we may need to assign some home works to help create the new release documentation, to capture Anuket Assured x.y → Anuket RA-1 K-release, etc.
- Test Results Information Model
- Wiki is the normative reference.
- Still needs additional input from the RC teams.
- Lincoln Lavoie to setup a sandbox Gitlab repo and organize an alpha version test for submitting results, review, etc.
Any Other business
- Monday, May 31 - USA holiday - no meeting - Community is invited to the Thursday leadership sync session on Thursady, to keep from missing 2 weeks in a row.
- Monday, June 7 - Linux Developer Event
- CVC Sync Meeting - Thursday - open to all.
- Slot from ONAP Security / CNF team
- Yan Yang will check if this can be presented on the June 14 meeting.
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