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LFN Staff: @ljilluzzi


  • LF Antitrust Policy
  • Welcome new members
  • Opens?
  • TSC Chair Election
  • ONE Summit and DTF in November
  • Kubecon/Edge Day October (Detroit). potential for an EMCO demo. Submissions- 5G Network Slicing, Multi-cluster solutions in K8 ecosystems


  • TSC Chair Election - the voting period is open (07/25 to 08/02) via OpaVote
    • 6 have opened the voting email. 4 have voted already. Need at least 7 for majority of TSC. 
  • Upcoming Events:
    • ONE Summit Nov 15-16 Seattle Washington
      • CFP Closes July 29. Link to Submit CFP
      • Suggested Topics
      • The EMCO Technical WG meeting on Friday July 22 will discuss further. Submissions going out and new ones being discussed in Mktg WG meeting July 22 for KubeCon Edge Day discussed further and the team came up with at least 3 new ideas. 
        • 5G Slicing Use Case with possible tie -in to 5G SBP is being worked up for submission by Intel and partners
        • An Intel security related EMCO submission is also underway
        • Srinivasa Addepalli is working up  from Aryaka Networks with a SASE use case around EMCO
        • Brandon also mentioned Aarna is also working up a proposal for something related to EMCO integration with OPA policy engine 
          • Submissions or KubeCon Edge Day on EMCO Overview was sent July 25 as well. 
    • 2022 LFN Developer & Testing Forum November 17-18th, Seattle Washington

  • 5G Network Slicing demo- Is there a 5G SBP tie-in?
    • Is a slicing use case being demostrateddemonstrated? (IoT slices, gaming, 5G surgery, autonomous vehicle, gaming, latency)
    • Can we get a preview of the demo? Some preview may be available at a later stage

It was suggested that a Wiki page be set up to document submissions and Bob Monkman will create the page and ask for others to help fill it in. 

Future Agenda items: 

Update on Intern work

Contributor Diversity