- Related Press Release
CNCF’s Cloud Native Telco Assets
CNF Certification - CNF Certification program provides a way for open and closed source network functions (ie applications providing networking functionality) to demonstrate their adoption of cloud native best practices
- Certified CNFs: https://www.cncf.io/training/certification/cnf/#logos
- GitHub: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-certification
- Landing Page: https://www.cncf.io/cnf
- Documentation:
- PR / marketing material
- Communication
- Slack: http://slack.cncf.io/ #cnf-certification
- Meetings: Every other Thursday at 8am PT (starting on Jan 25, 2024)
CNF Working Group - best practices for cloud native applications and infra
- GitHub: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite
- Libraries, e2e tests, PoC, etc https://github.com/cnf-testsuite
- Documentation:
- Why this test? https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/RATIONALE.md
- Installation & Usage: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/README.md#installation-and-usage
- Extended installation instructions: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/INSTALL.md
- Extended usage: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/USAGE.md
- Extended configuration information: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/CNF_TESTSUITE_YML_USAGE.md
- FAQ https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/FAQ.md
- Best practice category descriptions: https://github.com/cncf/cnf-testsuite/blob/main/TEST-CATEGORIES.md
- Communication:
- Mailing List: https://lists.cncf.io/g/cnf-test-suite
- Slack: http://slack.cncf.io/ #cnf-testsuite
- Meetings: Tuesdays at
- 8 am PT
CNF Testbed (Currently inactive) - A framework and tools for deploying a K8s cluster to bare metal (Equinix) and a CNF workload to that cluster for different test cases/scenarios
- GitHub: https://github.com/cncf/telecom-user-group
- Slide Deck: CNCF Telecom User Group Kickoff
- Whitepaper: Cloud Native Thinking for Telecommunications
- Mailing list: https://lists.cncf.io/g/telecom-user-group
- Slack: http://slack.cncf.io/ #tug
- Meetings: moved to CNF Working Group
Anuket Cloud Native Assets
RA2 - Reference Architecture for Kubernetes based cloud infrastructure